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Census on remote HTTP based programs?

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Is there a census on using a remote server to serve as the "program" and writing a client that only acts as a basic IO. So basically the bulk of the program would be run on the server and the client (which runs in game on the OC) basically just sends and receives data to the server.

This method allows for very complex tasks to be carried out without burdening the server and potentially causing scripts to yield and fail. The trade off being that you actually have to host the program and you're basically "cheating" by not actually coding the program within OC itself.

Pros/Cons shorthand:
+ Will never burden server
+ Scripts will almost never yield and if they do it's easier to recover from
+ Basically acts as a limitless computer (no constraints on RAM for example)
+ Makes multiplayer functionality a breeze!

- Requires a server to host the program

- Not portable if originating host is unavailable
- Kinda cheating because it's not really a program written in OC

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i've certainly done this myself with CC, it has many uses... [ moreso with non persistence in CC ] - i had my webserver running a db api on a mysql database for recording various stats of what my machines were up to.


this wasn't "cheating" as you describe, as it was stuff which was outside the "4th wall" to an extent - a bit like how EVE Online gives you full API access to your user data within the game, for making website stat systems outside the game. 


one of the things i have used it for is that I have a node.js app running on one of my raspberryPis at home, and the http call was able to change the colour of an LED system i'd setup on the Pi, changing a tri-colour LED to show the state of various processes within the game...


e.g. one could have an adapter measuring the contents of a chest inventory, and calling the node.js app to set the LED to a colour dependent upon an item count of a specific item in the chest even when you're not logged in


i encourage you to try this at home if you have a raspberry Pi or similar - it's ace :)

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