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OC Best fan ever

Get Started With Lua!

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Hello guys i am Symbo i know this is a simple tutorial but the fact that idk programming well let's talk about it! Now the programming language as named LUA is a programming language that is very easy to learn! Let's get start with an explication of what you sould start with.

Now whos like me that dosen't know programming well your here to learn some. You sould go ahead and get ComputerCraft and learn CC's lua because it's the same but some apis are modified because OC uses direct lua. This is the most inpersive concept of learning lua without learning the apis.

First of all i am not a programmer i will not teach you lua, it's your opinion if you want to learn lua or not. Now the fact that lua is easy to learn you sould first learn ComputerCraft... well heres some apis that will actualy help you programming some programs


term.setCursorPos(X, Y)

Now those are some basic stuff. CC has basic lua so you will learn much much basics from CC, If you do that then you can learn OC because if you know CC already then it wil lbe 5x more easier to learn because only some apis are changed from the basic lua. The stuff you don't need at CC is components, components are the basic stuff you start with and they are optional for OC (Open Computers) Now you sould learn CC first and then OC because it will be very very easy to learn DIRECT LUA

I recommend lua 5.3 because lua 5.2 is not even doing good anymore.
Now if you wanna change the cpu to lua 5.3 then just brick right click in air and you will see in chat what type of lua you changed.

Now replay if you want i will try replaying to the replay you did so if this makes no sense then i will call your replays comments.

Now let's start with some basic stuff that people are very lazy to do
Well the first stuff is learning, people whos lazy dosen't even have time to learn but they have to make thier programs. But what if programming languages was about explaining what the program does


While the program is open then
    Open the other program.


Well this is not how it works.
People stop being lazy reading and start learning!

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