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Need Help With a Program


So I found this Program(Below) But the user hasnt been online in a while. Iv tried flashing to an eeprom and booting with just the eeprom, just running the program, and i keep getting an error (attached)

The Program :

local user = { "user1", "user2", "user3" }
local red = component.proxy(component.list("redstone")())
local scr = {}
local gpu = {}
for a in component.list("screen") do table.insert(scr, a) end
for a in component.list("gpu") do table.insert(gpu, component.proxy(a)) end
for i = 1, #gpu do gpu[i].bind(scr[i]) end
function showState(s)
  for i, g in ipairs(gpu) do
    g.setResolution(40, 20)
    g.fill(1, 1, 40, 20, " ")
    if s then
      g.set(16, 10, "Access denied")
      g.set(16, 10, "Access granted")
function sleep(x)
  local tgt = computer.uptime() + x
  while computer.uptime() < tgt do
    computer.pullSignal(tgt - computer.uptime())
while true do
  local type, _, x, y, btn, nick = computer.pullSignal(5)
  if type == "touch" then
    nick = nick:lower()
    for i, v in ipairs(user) do
      if v == nick then
        red.setOutput(1, 255)
        red.setOutput(1, 0)

Instructions included :

Modify user list on top of code, flash it to EEPROM, connect some screens, install same amount of GPUs and one redstone block. Program will trigger pulse on top side of it.




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3 answers to this question

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The issue you see here is because `component` is removed from the global scope in OpenOS and must be required using the `require` function. If this file is intended to be run from an eeprom at boot instead of the standard Lua bios then `component` will still be global and this issue shouldn't remain. Running this program from the shell (as you're doing in the picture).. it will be provided an environment that doesn't contain the `component` namespace. This program seems to be intended to only run from a computer with seemingly multiple screens and gpus, cpu, redstone block(or card?), ram, and of course an eeprom. No hdd and no OS(no OpenOS floppy either). 

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22 hours ago, Molinko said:

If this file is intended to be run from an eeprom at boot instead of the standard Lua bios then `component` will still be global and this issue shouldn't remain.

As Molinko said, this code goes to an EEPROM. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Get a fresh EEPROM (not Lua BIOS included one).
  2. Get a computer with OpenOS loaded.
  3. Put the fresh EEPROM to the computer.
  4. run `edit /dev/eeprom` and paste the code there. But, I assume you already have it, you will just need to modify it.
  5. As the instruction said, modify the user list on top with your name and/or people you want to grant access to. If it's `Bob`, then write `{ "Bob" }`. Note: CaSe SeNsItIvE.
  6. Done.

After setting up the EEPROM, set up another computer for the EEPROM, by following these steps:

  1. Set up a fresh computer (Tier 1 is okay), with door on top, or a redstone connection to other contraption.
  2. Put a CPU (Tier 1 is okay), a Memory (Tier 1 is okay too), and a redstone card.
  3. Put a number (1 or more) of GPU and screen.
  4. Turn on the computer
  5. Done!

To use this code, sneak-rightclick the screen with barehand to trigger it, or open the screen gui, then click the screen.


After trying the code you've shared, I found some oddities and, my suggestion, is to change to my modified code here:

local user = { "user1", "user2", "user3" }
local red = component.proxy(component.list("redstone")())
local scr = {}
local gpu = {}
for a in component.list("screen") do table.insert(scr, a) end
for a in component.list("gpu") do table.insert(gpu, component.proxy(a)) end
for i = 1, #gpu do if scr[i] ~= nil then gpu[i].bind(scr[i]) end end
function showState(s)
  for i, g in ipairs(gpu) do
    g.setResolution(40, 20)
    if s then
      g.set(16, 10, "Access granted.")
      g.set(16, 10, "Access denied.")
function sleep(x)
  local tgt = computer.uptime() + x
  while computer.uptime() < tgt do
    computer.pullSignal(tgt - computer.uptime())
while true do
  local sigType, _, x, y, btn, nick = computer.pullSignal(5)
  if sigType == "touch" then
    for i, v in ipairs(user) do
      if v == nick then
        red.setOutput(1, 255)
        red.setOutput(1, 0)

Hope this solves your problem. Well, have a nice day then!

Edited by ayangd
bios.lua comments stripped, case sensitive note, step order fix, payonel's alternative advice (Thanks)
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