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OETF #17 - Open HyperText Protocol

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OHML being complete, it just needed something next so the OHML specification is complete. And this thing is what is here: OHTP


Host - Any computer or machine with a OC-compatible modem attached to it

Server - Host sending OHTP-valid data when an user attemps to connect

Client - Host receiving OHTP-valid data from a Server

OHTP - Open Hyper Text Protocol - Protocol used to transmit OHML - Open Hypertext Markup Language between Hosts.

Line Break - Unix style line break: line feed (\n)


The OHTP protocol doesn't take care of what is transporting it. Either it is using a socket API, going through modem, minitel or GERT. It assumes the API or transport layer you utilize supports sockets.

Arguments in URLs:

To put arguments inside URL, the url must end like normal, but have "?" at end, followed by "property=value" entry. If wanting to add more entries, add "&" after last entry



writeTable/readTable, Fuchas's liblon, etc.


User Agents:

User agents are standard strings defining what browser and what layout engine a user is using. It can be used for metrics and/or compatibility purposes (in case standards aren't fully respected).

An user agent is presented in the following form:

BrowserName/BrowserVersion, LayoutEngine/LayoutEngineVersion

where LayoutEngine is the layout engine and LayoutEngineVersion is layout engine's version, etc.
The format has been thinked to be simple making it easy to parse. Since it's just 2 fields separated with a "," (Browser name and version + Layout engine name and version), and in those fields, the name and version separated with a slash (/).
Parsing user agent is in this case, just some splitting of strings.

For example with Icecap browser (coming soon):

Icecap/0.1, Geeko/1.0


Peanuts are data stored as text files in a key=value scheme.
They are handled on client-side and are only edited by server. He edits it by sending a response property (Set-Peanut) to client.

A Peanut Group (peanuts) is separated by ";". Making ";" the only invalid character in peanut key and value.
Server is aware of Client peanuts by the Peanut request property. Which sends peanuts as a Peanut Group. Of course this property is optional as a client doesn't always have peanuts.

Now the most important note about peanuts: When a server send a Set-Peanut property. The peanut must be set for the whole website and not only the current page!




Once the socket is opened, the Client can ask data to Server

The Client will send first a Request Header looking like it:


Example, if the REQUEST is GET, and the version 1.0, with a request page equals to /foo.bar (the PAGE entry CANNOT BE EMPTY, if wanting to access default file of server, use /):

OHTP/1.0 GET /foo.bar

Currently the valid REQUEST values are:

  • GET (just receive the file)
  • UPLOAD (part of upcoming OHTP 1.1 document, will be used to upload files if the Client has permissions)

There are also request bodies, which just include "Property: Value" entries.

Non-standard properties, must start with "X-"

Standard Properties:
Standard properties are for now:

  • Peanut - Inform server of currently saved peanuts (see Peanuts)
  • User-Agent - User Agent of the current browser (see User Agents)
  • Referer - If redirected from a link, equals to the previous website URL.
  • Host - The hostname the browser used to connect to this website. This let the website know how it is identified. Useful for 300/301 error codes.

So a request is constructed like that: Request Header( + Request Body)

The client, even after having received the Response from Server can still send new requests. All that until socket is closed.

Example Request (whole):

OHTP/1.0 GET /index.ohml
User-Agent: MineScape/1.0, Geeko/0.9
Peanut: login=true;username=admin;password=admin
X-Non-Standard-Header: non standard value


Once the Server receives a Request from a client. It must replies with a Response.

A Response is contructed like this: Response Header + Response Content

The Response Header is constructed like this:

Response Body

Response Content

It's really small, making it simple to implement.

Currently there are thoses error codes:

  • 200: OK
  • 300: Temporaly moved + new URI after ERRORCODE. The browser will redirect to the URI but is unable to cache.
  • 301: Moved permanently + new URI after ERRORCODE (ex: 301 ohtp2://thismachine). The browser will redirect to the URI and can cache it. Best used with Host property.
  • 302: Switch protocol (e.g.: 301 OHTP2) + approved protocol name after ERRORCODE
  • 303: Switch network protocol (e.g.: 302 minitel) + approved protocol name after ERRORCODE
  • 403: Invalid request
  • 404: Page not found
  • 500: Server error
  • 501: Internal error sending the the fetched page (e.g. file found but not accessible from server).
  • 502: Server-side language is errored (Detailled version of 500, optional)
  • 503: Service temporaly down

The Response Body is just a bunch of standard properties exactly like in the client-side request body. However the valid properties changes for Server.

Standard Properties:

  • Set-Peanut: Sets a peanut on client.
  • Content-Size: The size of the content. Useful for long downloads!
  • Content-Type: The MMTI identifier for the corresponding resources. If not found, defaults to "text/txt"

Like Request properties, unstandard ones start with "X-"

The Response Content is just the content of the fetched file (if found).


Example Response (whole):

Set-Peanut: isadmin=true
Content-Type: text/ohml

  <text>Hello World!</text>


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I updated OHML, i added bodys, user agents and peanuts (equivalent of cookies). It's still called version 1, since actually nobody implemented it yet. So changes to v1 were still open. Now version 1 is froze. Promised!

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