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  1. I'm attempting to spawn particles with the Particle Effects Card from Computronics. In the lua interpreter, I have tried a number of different approaches to inputting the arguments, but I always get the same error. =component.particle.spawn function(name:string, xCoord:number, yCoord:number, zCoord:number [, defaultVelo:number]):boolean; function(name:string, xCoord:number, yCoord:number, zCoord:number [, xVelo:number, yVelo:number, zVelo:number ]):boolean; Spawns a particle effect at the specified relative coordinates optionally with the specified velocity Here's the component a
  2. Content Introduction Reproducing an Error Error Messages Debug Output Appendix List of Error Messages Using a Debugger Ad alert: cbrowse Introduction Writing code is one thing, making it work is a completely different story. More often than not something is not working as intended and sometimes your program just crashes the instant you run it. This can be fun and inspiring but most often it is just frustrating. This guide is meant to introduce you to several useful debugging techniques with the primary focus being Open
  3. hallo this is more then a lua question but i need to spit a string in a "specific amount of characters" i will use the: string.gmatch(string, "but what do I put in here???") I've looked in the lua wiki but I could not find it there
  4. I'm writing a custom OS for educational purposes and I'm having issues getting keyboard input. Everything completely works in OpenOS so everything is hooked up correctly. My init.lua code Here is my keyboard code I've copied the dofile function from OpenOS so it should work with my code.
  5. Requirements: microcontroller with debug card and wi-fi card. Need install this firmware: pastebin get PX0k2kb8 cube The control is via a wireless card with standard notation UDFBLR, to invert the command, it is necessary to add an apostrophe. Ðdditional commands: С - reset to the initial state S - random shuffle
  6. Brainfuck compiler for opencomputer Some time ago i was informed of a programming language called brainfuck, and thought it would be fun make a compiler for opencomputer. Don't know what brainfuck is, then look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck I honestly don't see this as something that is very usefull under normal circumstances, but it gives a "easy" way to program microcontrollers. It is an interresting new and different look on programming (1993 beeing new). If you find a bug or would request a new function/alter an existing function please let me know. Usage
  7. With this eeprom you can send the drone any lua command via network message in port 123 and it will execute it and send the response as a broadcast in the same port (if there's no response you'll get a bunch of nil) local m = component.proxy(component.list("modem")()) m.open(123) local typ local data while true do while typ ~= "modem_message" do typ,_,_,_,_,data = computer.pullSignal() end local f = assert(load(data)) w,x,y,z = f() m.broadcast(123, w,x,y,z) typ = nil f = nil end
  8. I decided to work on the drones, and I tried to run this command in my processor for the DRONE: L = component.leash (RETURNED NOTHING) L.leash(5) [string "L.leash(5)"]:1: attempt to index a nil value (global 'L') And I tried the same thing with just the component: component.leash.leash(5) [string "component.leash.leash(5)]:1: attempt to index a nil value (field leash) And yes, I've tried both restarting the drone AND the computer, and even replacing it. Before you even ask: YES I HAVE THE LEASH UPGRADE.
  9. How it Works: Write some code and use a spoiler and code that [spolier][code]Insert Lua code Here[/code][/spoiler] Then, the other people have to guess the output based on the code. If the code requires vars to run, put them as a comment at the end of the code as you would run the program with it (--Vars: XXX, XXX, Cake, Pie) The responding questions shall be as shown for strings or for numbers
  10. Just a quick note on something that may confuse a beginner [like me, until i found out what to do] When prototyping a lua library, i tend to have a lua prompt open for testing and evaluating things, and an offline editor for the code - in mycase ZerobraneStudio - and have the config option "bufferChanges=false" instead of true, so that the file system on actual disk, is always in sync with the virtual game HDD [ note, see the warnings and notice in the config if you're changing this yourself, you've been warned - but unless your game crashes, it should be safe - it will often be safe
  11. Hello, I'm trying to use Open Computer to monitor other mods working status. The ideal target is, showing change rate of water amount in a tank in Open Computer screen, and dump it into .csv file to do further research using external software. Since there are many type of data to collect, so directly read NBT data may be a good approach. So I started to write an add-on. But facing problems: 1. How to return complex data (which lua would regard as a nesting table) in a callback function? The example (https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/master-MC1.7.10/src/main/java/li/cil/oc/a
  12. When i try to save files with the Filesystem and the Filestream from Filesystem.open i get following error: /lib/filesystem.lua:467: attempt to index local 'self' (a nil value) stack traceback: kernel:730: in function '__index' /lib/filesystem.lua:467: in function 'close' stdin:1: in main chunk [C]: in function 'xpcall' kernel: 725: in function 'xpcall' /bin/lua.lua:62: in main chunk (...tail calls...) I typed this in lua console: fs = filesystem.open("/mnt/da0/adsfk","w") --da0 is HDD fs.wr
  13. Brainfuck compiler for opencomputer Some time ago i was informed of a programming language called brainfuck, and thought it would be fun make a compiler for opencomputer. Don't know what brainfuck is, then look here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brainfuck I honestly don't see this as something that is very usefull under normal circumstances, but it gives a "easy" way to program microcontrollers. It is an interresting new and different look on programming (1993 beeing new). If you find a bug or would request a new function/alter an existing function please let me know. Usage
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