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Found 7 results

  1. I want a program on my tablet that when activated, sends a message to a server using a linked card and the server then activates some redstone around a redstone I/O. Can anyone make that?
  2. I'm new and I can't get the computer to work. It keeps saying 9/12 components connected. How does it work?
  3. Okay so I'd like to start by saying i do have some advanced knowledge on computers and servers, so any advice is welcome. I Have 3 computers in the overworld. One is connected to a 3d printer and hologram projector and is almost always off. Another is controlling a draconic reactor and is on 24/7. The third hasn't been used for a while and is used to control 3 bigreactors and 24 turbines. When i try to create a new computer or restart one of the existing, nothing happens for a few seconds, then the power indicator will turn on, then nothing, no startup beep or anything, just f
  4. So i'm working on a super simple logs library to make outputting errors/messages to a log alot simpler in a different program i'm working on. The issue is that i am completely unable to find a way to create a new file inside of code! I remember in computercraft it was simply trying to open a file that didn't exist yet, would create a new one. but for some reason, it's not doing it in this instance. my code is roughly: local fname = "output.txt" local file, err = io.open(fs.concat(shell.getWorkingDirectory(),"/logs/",fname),w)--i've tried both w and a at this poin
  5. While starting with Opencomputers scripting (and learning some lua), I found out that while not much, there computers still need some power. So here came my idea to build a powercheck script (deamon) to show my power level of the computer (or network) and be ready to save my files before the computer shuts down mid editing a script. this version is only a visual aid for knowing your energy leven, executing some functions if the power is to low to continue aren't implemented. Requirements: not much, the openOS should be enough, and a valid computer with screen.
  6. Hi! I have a problem with the Creative computer case/ any other Computer case! So, what happened is any time i open the GUI for the cases, Minecraft would crash. Always, i have my crash log here: ---LOG--- Also btw i am using MultiMC http://paste.ee/p/nkfep This is getting really anoyying! I need help! Thx - JackHydra
  7. Hi! Here is key button receiver code: type, _, char, _ = computer.pullSignal() --Receiving input while true do if type = "key_up" then print(char) end end And here is problem: when I dont touch keyboard it prints 116
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