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Posts posted by rater193

  1. I was wondering if whoever is working on the website could implement an option to edit the posts raw bb code, it would make life sooooo much easier, when trying to format posts

    I want to be able to change my bb code around on here


    but i cant take things outside of the [script] or [ SPOILER ] <--sorry it derped when i initally posted

    tags because they are forced onto the screen.

    I am also posting a poll on seeing who all else would like this feature.

  2. ==========================================================================================
    I will be editing this frequently, to do some tests, for formatting with new styles

    I am putting this pack together because i got annoyed at the fact that opencomputers
    seamed to be late mid to late game. So with this post, i am making some scripts to work
    with as little resources as possible for robots.I will also post a guide later, on how to
    create robots, if someone doesn't know yet.(for now ill just tell you)just put any tier
    computercase into an electronics assembler, and it will ask for some components to put
    inside it. Put the correct components in it, and then start crafting it. Depending on its
    complexity will govern its time to craft.If anyone would like to help with this then
    please contact me via teamspeak.

    teamspeak 3 ip: error22.com

    I will be updating this post with new content, so make sure to check back frequently!I
    will also be formating this post to make it look better. Anyways, atm all i have for this,
    is a REALLY quick tunnel script that i spent not even 2 mins typing, i will update this
    later with something that works with a chest placed behind the robots starting point.

    Anyways, i will list some code here you can toss into early build computers.
    Soon, i will give some different robots that you can craft with their resource costs,
    that will work with these scripts!


    (until i make an installer for it, you will have to install it yourself)

    Tunnel(a temporary code that works like computercraft turtle's tunnel)
    pastebin get pH4yitjY tunnel

    tunnel <distance>

    Current robot setup tested with:


    This will be changed, but here is a list of the resources used (for this testing version)

    1x t2 case

    1x inventory controller

    1x inventory upgrade

    1x t1 screen

    1x keyboard

    1x disk drive

    1x graphics card

    1x t1 processor

    1x t1 memory

    1x t1 hard drive

    1x lua bios


  3. Hello everyone, i noticed when i made this code, i couldnt find something like it on the forums, so i decided to post a copy of the code here!

    With this you can copy your entire project over from github to your computer, it saves on time by a LOT! and it makes it so you dont have to rely on the latency of typing the code out on servers, also it makes it so you can use your favorite ide, EX: Sublime text


    happy scripting!





    By: rater193
    Enjoy the script!
    local CONFIG = {}
    CONFIG.GIT = {}
    CONFIG.GIT.NAME = "rater193"
    CONFIG.GIT.REPO = "OpenComputers-1.7.10-Base-Monitor"
    local shell = require("shell")
    local internet = require("internet")
    local data = require("component").data
    local fs = require("filesystem")
    --downloading the json libs if they do not exsist
    shell.execute('mkdir /lib')
    shell.execute('wget -fq "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rater193/OpenComputers-1.7.10-Base-Monitor/master/lib/json.lua" "/lib/json.lua"')
    local json = require("json")
    --these are some functions for handling downloading data from http requests
    local function getStringFromResponce(responce)
      local ret = ""
      local resp = responce()
      while(resp~=nil) do
        ret = ret..tostring(resp)
        resp = responce()
      return ret
    local function getHTTPData(url)
      local ret = nil
      local request, responce = pcall(internet.request, url)
      if(request) then
        ret = getStringFromResponce(responce)
      return ret
    --this is a function for downloading a repository tree
    local function downloadTree(treedataurl, parentdir)
      --this is used to make it so you dont have to set the parent dir it will default to the root directory
      if(not parentdir) then parentdir = "" end
      local treedata = json.decode(getHTTPData(treedataurl))
      for _, child in pairs(treedata.tree) do
        local filename = parentdir.."/"..tostring(child.path)
        if(child.type=="tree") then
          --print("Downloading tree")
          print("Checking directory, "..tostring(filename))
          downloadTree(child.url, filename)
          shell.execute('rm -f "'..tostring(filename)..'"')
          --print("Installing file")
          --local repodata = data.decode64(json.decode(getHTTPData(child.url)).content)
          print("downloading "..filename)
          local repodata = getHTTPData("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/"..tostring(CONFIG.GIT.NAME).."/"..tostring(CONFIG.GIT.REPO).."/master/"..tostring(filename))
          local file = fs.open(filename, "w")
    --the data for the json api for the repository
    local data = getHTTPData("https://api.github.com/repos/"..tostring(CONFIG.GIT.NAME).."/"..tostring(CONFIG.GIT.REPO).."/git/refs")
    if(data) then
      print("Loading updates")
      --print("data: "..tostring(data))
      git = json.decode(data)[1].object
      --This is the version ID we are going to compare, to see if we are outdated!
      local newversion = git.sha
      --this is the repositories commit api url
      local gitcommit = git.url
      local commitdata = getHTTPData(gitcommit)
      if(commitdata) then
        print("Loading commit data")
        --print("commitdata: ", tostring(commitdata))
        --print("length: ", tostring(string.len(commitdata)))
        local commitdatatree = json.decode(commitdata).tree
        --print("commitdatatree: ", tostring(commitdatatree))
      --[[for _, v in pairs(git) do
      print(tostring(_), " = ", tostring(v))
    print("Update complete! enjoy!")
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