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Posts posted by Cat

  1. That's a simple thing to implement, but it would be pretty slow, since it would have to iterate through tables and do a bunch of string matching. I'll think about it after I finish up the remaining code. Maybe someone else, or yourself, could add it in after I post the code up? After all, are you not here because you enjoy coding?

    Shouldn't be slow at all honestly unless there was an issue with CPU usage and OC. It should be almost instantaneous; after all NP++ and VS can do it.

    On Key Press update string and result=searchSuggestions(string) end On Draw Event do setColor(255,255,255) write(string) if result ~= "" then setColor(80,80,255) write(result) setColor(255,255,255) end

    I am here to have discussion, I have my own project too (it's in C#). I'm also here to give suggestions. If you feel like trying to implement, feel free.

  2. Sounds good. (wonder if this post belongs elsewhere due to no code...)

    Here is one of my suggestions, how about a fill-in suggestion thing as you type?

    I'm typing in - os.e and the suggestion would be os.execute and if I press ENTER it would make the input os.execute.
    (A general idea on display: os.execute)

  3. Nice! I'll take a look at the Pure Lua server and also take a look at cross-server communications because
    That is just simply Fun!

    Might have to make a multiplayer game for OC now... hm.

  4. Unfortunately, yes, the forums aren't very active, but most of the stuff goes on in IRC anyway, so yeah. I haven't posted some of my stuff because I cba, and that if people want it, they can ask me on IRC.


    Don't get me started on AfterLifeLochie though... Totally not thinking of stabbing that guy.

    More programs on the forum = Better though :c

    AfterLifeLochie hates my guts, but helped me out with deleting my entirety of accounts on the ComputerCraft.info website when I needed it deleted. He is fairly nice, hosted Epic's CCNet for free too. He just... gets upset really easily.

  5. Only *possible* problem in the program I see is "local mode" on Line 30. Maybe try local mode = "" or something similar. I've read through this code 6 times and can't find anything else *Possibly* wrong. I don't really understand the local mode part of the code in a sense of debugging, but that looks like the only thing I don't understand.

    Try it and tell me the results, thanks.

  6. Configuration == you only need to set it up once, and then evrything that uses NoteAL works

    Programming == Yeah, you just need to give instrument, pitch and left/right and it plays a note on whatever is configured(Vanilla noteblocks or Computronics iron noteblocks)


    Also it has a little midi like thing called notestream

    Ok, that's a bit useful. I might test this API out later by creating an experimental Beatmania game.

  7. it does ease the configuration and programming of noteblocks by abstracting away the actual components into an easy to use api...

    Still not really explained from my end. Oh well.

    "Configuration and programming", meaning, changing the pitch and also setting up music and stuff like that, yes?

  8. Yes, all 3 times this has happened, the robot disappeared right in front of me.  It has happened while I've been testing my program so I've always followed the robot to make sure it goes where I expect it to.

    Thanks, I'll talk to someone on IRC about it. Hopefully can get someone to take a look at it better than I can.

  9. Seems simplistic. A button API would be quite simple to make since all you're doing is this little bit of math:


    if (mouse.x >= button.x and mouse.x <= button.x+button.w) and (mouse.y >= button.y and mouse.y <= button.y+button.h) then
      return true
      return false


    Honestly, if you want to make this improved, you could go with better Button graphics. Such as background-image, text-color ( you might already have this ), border-color, border-size, also if mouse.x is able to be checked without a click event, you could do Button highlights as people move their mouse over them.

  10. Have you tried following the robot around and watching for When it disappears? From how you written the post I'm presuming you ran a program that makes the robot move accordingly to the program and will go around then come back. If they Do keep coming back, either it's something with your program, or it's something to due with chunk loading.

  11. Thank you for posting this! It's a well made program as I described earlier in your previous screenshot post in the holograms discussion.
    Great job on presentation and also great job on the design, I like it.

    I'll try it out later once I setup my Minecraft install (too busy taking naps lately to do anything regarding that), also I'm interested in maybe utilizing some of your design patterns in developing some of my own software just because it looks good.

    If you have Skype, I'd like to speak with you more and have you in my contacts.

  12. I'm making this post as an open discussion rather than to just tell you stuff; so feel free to reply.

    I've seen quite a few chat rooms that have Bot based IRC Games, such as Hangman that seemed to keep activity on the irc up and going. I like seeing activity and I'm sure it'd excite quite a few people in having a game bot in the irc. Unfortunately, I don't know crap about making a bot for the irc... but I could probably set one up if I utilized Kilobyte's Peripherals and PixelToast's IRC script.

    As for normal discussion, as far as that goes. The irc isn't constantly active, not a bad thing though. What kind of discussions are interesting in there?

    • Computers?
    • Software from OC?
    • CC Discussion?
    • Peripherals / Addons?

    What is popular discussion in there? I'm not sure, could probably figure out if I lurk long enough; but, new discussion might be nice. Though this could probably be talked about in the IRC, I chose the Forum format just simply so there is a record of activity rather than losing the results after closing the tab for the irc. I doubt this will get many replies, or maybe it'll get none. Dunno.

    Browser discussion? New software ideas?
    I'd also like to encourage more use of the forums to discuss, since program feedback and other things that are discussed about programs should probably be left in the topic. But I sound like a tyrant right now probably, and I'm ranting.

    What're your guy's ideas about IRC Games? Discussion Topics? 

  13. Might as well keep you guys in the loop with server development:


    I plan to revise the pack and the server before the end of the year (I've got college and job stuff to do so not much time for recreating stuff) since the mods I was originally going to use are now up to date and the current pack is a bit resource intensive. I'll post more details when I can / when i think of them.

    Ok. Not sure what mods you had in mind though. Glad to see you spending time in keeping the server maintained (a lot of server people I've seen don't do this).

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