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Nibato last won the day on October 23 2014

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About Nibato

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  1. If you're talking about nibnav.pathfind() in particular, no. It lets you use your own callback for "plotting" the path. You basically pass it a callback function (getCost, it's documented in the code) and the callback should return a numerical weight if it's a reachable block or null if it's impassable. In other words, you provide the block data, all it does is find and return a path in said block data. The algorithm will try to find the path with the lowest weight cost. I'd recommend reading this article if you're unfamiliar with A* pathfinding. Now, It does check for the success of the mov
  2. Nibato

    Gist fetcher

    This program will fetch a file from gist. As an added feature (and because I'm lazy and update my private scripts every 2 seconds), if you pass a file argument but omit the gist id, it will read the first line of the given file (if it exists) and try to parse the gist id from it. Look at the first line of the this very program/script for an example USAGE: gist [<gist id>] <file name> If no gist id is given, and the file exists, the program attempts to read the id on the first line of the file in the following I probably won't ever add push support to it. I've not tried to break
  3. I wrote a simple robot navigation API/library for my own personal use, and figured someone else might be able to make use of it. I spent a good hour documenting all the code so hopefully it isn't too hard to figure out. Unfortunately though, I'm not the best at explaining things If you have any issues with it, just yell at me and I'll take a look at it. Download License
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