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Posts posted by catmandoe1

  1. On 2/10/2023 at 4:05 PM, coolian said:

    I once ran into this exact problem, OC by default disables localhost specifically with this default config


    the config supports domain names op addresses in string format and even CIDR notation for easy address ranges.

    the reason for this is apparently to prevent user from hosting their game locally and accidentally letting other people access their computers through OC.

    If you arent in multiplayer its probably safe to remove this from the config and othherwise you'll have to get some other machine to host your web server on for example a raspberry pi works just fine for this sort of application.

    From the looks of it, after removing all of the addresses and fiddling around with the whitelist a bit in the config i still can't get a packet through.

    I'd probably have to go through the mod source and see how it handles http and so on if i want to figure out whats wrong.

    Also never thought of using a raspberry pi for running the server and im sure to have one kicking around somewhere so thanks for that.

  2. I'm simply trying to send a string using the internet card's .request() function to a web server (Asp.NET core 6) hosted locally on my machine.

    local computer = require("computer")
    local component = require("component")
    local serialization = require("serialization")
    local internet = require("internet")
    local event = require("event")
    local reactor = component.nc_fission_reactor
    function sendEnergy()
    	data = reactor.getEnergyStored()
    	local header = {}
    	header["content-type"] = "application/json"
    	internet.request("https://localhost:7173/api/energy/sendEnergy", tostring(data), header)
    	print("sent energy")
    while true do

    So far nothing has come through but hosting the the web server on azure and using the URL there it works fine.

    I have also cleared the blacklisted addresses in the "settings.conf" file and nothing is also in the whitelist.

    I've changed the header to nil and other things but it didn't help. It seems that it never reaches the web server itself.

    Using the REST Client extension in VS Code to test the URL with the same parameters works and i get a result in the server.

    Also changing the the address to doesn't make one difference or any other variations of that.

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