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  1. Hello guys, due to my scripting for my Screen Sharing script (multiple servers with 2 screens) i bumped into a bug and i didnt find a solution for that: i have two screens (naming MainScreen, TempScreen), both have one keyboard, standing a few blocks away from each other. And one server, the server has to switch between them. Now the server starts on MainScreen and with components.gpu.bind(TempScreen, true) switching to the TempScreen... unfortunately when i want to type something on the TempScreen nothing happens, i can get on the screen but he does
  2. i dont have much yet... step by step... but first step fails already: First Server: local thread = require("thread") local c = require("component") local event = require("event") local m = component.modem m.close() m.open(123) print("screenchange init") thread.create(function() while true do print("a") os.sleep() print("port 123 open: " .. tostring(c.modem.isOpen(123))) _, _, _, _, _, message = event.pull("modem_message") print(message) --do next step end end) print("screenchange - thread started") starting this... then i
  3. https://github.com/raoulvdberge/refinedstorage/issues/2028 any other suggestions here? the guys from refined storage couldnt help me out, still doesnt work to search for an item with a specific tag like in my example...
  4. I have a setup with about 12 Serverracks and in each 4 servers = 48 servers... all connected to each other... they need to be connected because they share a bunch of adapters... now i dont want to have 48 screens, for each server one, that looks ugly? i research a little bit, there is a thread API which can start a event.pull("modem_message") - listener in the background of a server without interfering other processes... (https://oc.cil.li/index.php?/topic/1728-multi-threaded-send-and-receive/&page=0#comment-7937) but i cant get anything it working correctly... it a
  5. oh ups i forgot to write this in the my question of course i used `getItem({...}, true, true)` somehow refined storage compares it... because with getItems() i get a table with 'hasTag=true'
  6. How to search for a specific Item which has a tag? for example output from crafttweaker: <"tconstruct:pick_head">.withTag({Material: "stone"}) i tried different ways with a refined storage system with only this item in it... component.block_refinedstorage_grid_2.getItem({name="tconstruct:pick_head", withTag={material="stone"}}) component.block_refinedstorage_grid_2.getItem({name="tconstruct:pick_head", Tag={material="stone"}}) component.block_refinedstorage_grid_2.getItem({name="tconstruct:pick_head", nbt={material="stone"}}) component.block_refinedstorage_grid_2.getIte
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