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Posts posted by Zen1th

  1. On 5/9/2022 at 2:20 PM, RowanBord0192 said:

    Finally got it running.
    How did I install it? I had to download it from GitHub and then edit the hard drive folder by copying in the OS files.

    It's a bit... buggy in places, for example Flarefox consistantly crashes the OS, and there are weird artifacts everywhere (although this is likely from the text display), plus minesweeper causes an out of memory error, even with way to much memory


    Yea, I haven't finished Flarefox and Minesweeper yet and it's still very much W.I.P. and I haven't been working on it since quite some time. Although I'm probably gonna start enhancing Fuchas UX a bit now

  2. This is a working clone of Super Mario Bros. (with some missing features :lol:). It was made thanks to the VRAM buffers feature (only available in experimental builds), the game runs quite smoothly and uses the Computronics Sound Card to play music on the same computer. It loads sprites from .bmp files, levels from Tiled (a free level editor) .json file and music is in some custom format that can be converted from MIDI files. This makes the game quite easily moddable.

    Source code


  3. Fuchas 0.6.0:

    • Shell autocompletion
    • OS arguments
    • "buffer" library for buffered streams
    • CPU metrics
    • Concert task manager
    • Architecture-dependent package files (different file depending on having Lua 5.2 or 5.3)
    • Warning displayed when Lua 5.3 is supported but not enabled
    • Optimization of OCDraw (merging) and GPU drivers (avoid setting multiple time the same color)
    • New driver format (less file loading): faster startup time
    • Inter-Process Communication (IPC)
    • FPM has been renamed to Application Package Manager (APM)
    • APM packages are installed on current user's directory by default.
    • New "-g" option in APM for installing in shared/global user directory.
    • Fuchas's Advanced Lua: added string.toByteArray
    • Added OpenUPT library
    • Temporary filesystem mounted at "T:"
    • Released "format" program
    • Fixed many technical issues
    • Added "echo" command
    • Fuchas now implements (almost) every standard I/O function! Including io.popen
    • Non-standard "write" function removed, use "io.write"
    • Improved OS API
    • Support for different standanrd IO streams (stdout, stdin, stderr) per process and for stream piping
    • Replaced "pwd" by "cd" (cd offers same feature, clearer, when runned without arguments)
    • Started "Kabam" interface, this will soon be the default, eventually replacing Fushell
    • Added os.exit() function
    • Removed obsolete/deprecated IO methods
    • Removed AwesomeCatgirl
  4. Fuchas 0.5.1:

    • Added a clipboard library that can use OC's clipboard event alongside Fuchas generated events with Ctrl+V.
    • Events are pulled from a per-process queue, also allow to push events only to a certain process.
    • OCDraw supports render targets, those are use as a target for the drawing and can be shown, they are basically just images.
    • Unicode support in Fushell and "shell" library.
    • CSettings program
    • Ability to launch programs from Concert
    • Increase startup speed (with Voodoo3 magic)
    • Full support of the UAC system.
    • Interfaces start with no permission and must login (as command in Fushell) to a admin account to have permissions
    • Decreased Fuchas size by deleting some unused files
    • Added process operations, they are like sub-processes that can end whenever they want (these are not threads!)
    • Fixed many technical issues
    • Removed AwesomeCatgirl
  5. Sorry for being a bit late, but Fuchas 0.5.0 is available since a month, it offers MANY MANY features:

    • The component access is restricted and driver library must be used (unless having root permissions). This allow for more safety to potential viroooses.
    • A secondary bit32 library on Lua 5.3 to have compatibility between the two in bit operations
    • Directory attributes (currently not settable, only gettable). Which brings 5 attributes: System, Protected, Read-Only, Hidden and No Execute.
    • Support for Protected (R/W only with perm) and System (R without perm, W with perm) directories.
    • Unmanaged drive drivers for OC drive and Computronics tape (which could theorically allow any FS to be on tape without program changes)
    • Shin32 is now gone and has been spread into many libraries.
    • Updated OpenOS and MineOS installers, you can now select to install Fuchas from dev or stable branch.
    • Alphanumerical directory listing
    • OCDraw supports drawing ovals.
    • OEFI2.1 support
    • hwinfo command, for OEFI information and well.. hardware info
    • Started UAC system. Used only in 0.5.1 / 0.5.0 dev branch.
    • Event timeouts are back.
    • Editor program (which currently can only view and not scroll, but pff that's coming)
    • Removed AwesomeCatgirl
  6. d) Attempt to punch through the wall
    	You attempt to punch through the wall... except you're not in Minecraft, you just hurt yourself.
    Do you:
        a) Continue punching
        b) Continue walking
        c) Get back
        d) Look around


  7. 4/5 Very great game! Everything is handled greatly and makes a great building game overall. A smooth scrolling could be implemented with little GPU intensive activity.

    - Zen1th Magazine

  8. I really like this, i suggest we could also add a card:isAbstracted() to know if the network is abstracted or not. So that compatibility for config can be easily made. And for the bandwith, i think this could bring up to cables with mutliple tier (even if this feel like it belongs more to an addon than stock OC). And if i'm not wrong with frequencies, it should be better that the higher frequencies that transmit farther (even if, again if i'm not wrong, higher frequency = lower radius) should have slower bandwith and frequencies that have low range should have higher bandwith.

    Another thing for switching between the current system and your system, would be doing like drives, which is that when right-clicking, it opens a GUI where we can choose Unmanaged or Managed, here we would choose Complex or Simple (better names needed!), this avoid your thing applying to all networks or no networks at all. However one problem: Wouldn't it end up like unmanaged drives? Projects that are meant to use it, but else never see the day, or are limited (like msdosfs) ? Or is it just that unmanaged filesystems is something people are working on since some times only. But i don't want this to suffer from the same problem.

  9. Well as you said you don't really know how to program, you must learn Lua before doing on OS. As there isn't any magical online OS generator. And honestly, before doing an OS, ask yourself what your OS would have as a plus compared to other OSes (OpenOS, MineOS, Fuchas, StattenOS, etc.) and of course let people looking the post know what your OS have as plus. Because for now, MineOS fits all your needs: GUI, Custom text editor (on the GUI), and custom startup programs (which can also be done on OpenOS). And if you fit that, learned Lua, then you can just take a look at the OpenComputers documentation, mostly in the Custom Operating Systems page which should help you for the start. Then you can look at Components and Lua Libraries which basically correspond at what is not provided (only) by OpenOS. Those should give you a pretty great start

  10. Would be cool if text/lua-table was added, it's what is outputted by OpenOS's serialization library, MineOS filesystem's writeTable/readTable, Fuchas's liblon, etc.

    This is mostly used for configuration files and thus its extension varies, sometimes .cfg sometimes .dat sometimes something else. Only Fuchas uses .lon for all serialized lua table.

    Oh and also please register text/ohml, extension is .ohml and it's described here

  11. Fuchas 0.4.0 is almost done :D

    The new features are:

    • MineOS installer: AVAILABLE
    • Multi-user: AVAILABLE
    • Dualboot (arleady used for 0.3.0): AVAILABLE
    • CPIO-based installer (very very stable installation and allow updates): AVAILABLE
    • Security! (permissions): AVAILABLE
    • Default unicode support: AVAILABLE
    • Virtual components: AVAILABLE

    (updated 06/30/2019)

  12. Nice proposals, i'm still making the draft for version 2

    The URF-based bootable package is a very good idea, however this would cause problem since the only implementation for writing/reading URF is uncertain of actually being standard and is only available from Lua from OC.
    WIth my knowledge i could also make an application to extract/package URFs, but who would trust it anyways? So the best option is: Making an dedicated C/C++/Java app/library, finding a known archive extractor that support plugins. So based on my existing work and on the specifications, gotta try to make those

  13. Okay, thanks you. And i would like to see what PolarisFS is. As currently support for unmanaged-mode filesystems is planned on Fuchas.

    Also what OpenComputers VM/Emulator are you using? I would like to know if there are alternatives to OCEmu that are closer to real OC behavior

    Also deflate compression for URF is good idea as there are arleady deflate libraries and that the Data Card supports accelerated deflate and inflate

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