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About IceG4merBR

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  • Minecraft
  1. What is the damage and how i find it?
  2. I did a program to manage my batteries and reactors, and i got a problem in reactor.setActive(true/false) for address, name in pairs(reactorsID) do local reactor = component.proxy(address) countR = countR + 1 local tR = (countR + count) * 3 progressBar( name, tR, reactor.getEnergyStored(), reactor.getEnergyCapacity(), 0x00bb00, true, "RF") progressBar( "Reactor(Energy Last Tick)", tR + 3, math.ceil(reactor.getEnergyProducedLastTick()), 6200, 0x00bb00, true, "RF") if brPower + totalPower < brMaxPower + totalMaxPower then reactor.setActive(True) else
  3. I got this error now. Only changed the printInfos() in startup() to printInfos("stored") local component = require("component") local term = require("term") local gpu = component.gpu local cube = component.basic_energy_cube local event = require("event") local colors = { black = 0x000000, red = 0xC14141} gpu.setBackground(colors.black) term.clear() local infos = {} cube["stats"] = {} function setInfos() infos["stored"] = { x = 3, y = 2, weight = 73, height = 1, title = "STORED ENERGY : ", unit = " RF"} infos["capacity"] = { x = 3, y = 4, weight = 73, height = 1, tit
  4. Got this error, but i have no idea how to fix it, need some help!. Here is the code. local component = require("component") local term = require("term") local gpu = component.gpu local cube = component.basic_energy_cube local event = require("event") local colors = { black = 0x000000, red = 0xC14141} gpu.setBackground(colors.black) term.clear() local infos = {} cube["stats"] = {} function setInfos() infos["stored"] = { x = 3, y = 2, weight = 73, height = 1, title = "STORED ENERGY : ", unit = " RF"} infos["capacity"] = { x = 3, y = 4, weight = 73, height = 1, title =
  5. I did this program, it's very simple, but i want to terminate it and i don't know how to do it... I tried Ctrl + C, Ctrl + Alt + C. I need some help. local component = require("component") local term = require("term") local event = require("event") local keyboard = require("keyboard") local cube = component.basic_energy_cube local computer = component.computer local gpu = component.gpu local w, h =gpu.getResolution() local colors = {} colors.gray = 0x555555 colors.red = 0xFF0000 colors.lime = 0x00FF00 function label(x, y, message, color, ...) local color = color or gpu.getFore
  6. now you can close i found the error thanks
  7. https://pastebin.com/TfQcYLmB I got something wrong near '5',but i don't know how to fix that.
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