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Everything posted by afr33sl4ve

  1. Exterior dimensions are 16x16x48. I wish the simulator would clarify which values I'm editing. Well, I was a derp. It does clarify that those are the internal dimensions. http://br.sidoh.org/#reactor-design?length=14&width=14&height=46&activelyCooled=false&controlRodInsertion=0&layout=15CXCXCXCXCXCX4CXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEX4CXCXCXCXCXCX15C
  2. I used the Mekanism fluid pump. But, dang it. I have access to both those mods in ATM3.
  3. It was a pain filling in the Gelid. Plus, it was my first time messing with the stuff. I'm good.
  4. http://br.sidoh.org/#reactor-design?length=16&width=16&height=46&activelyCooled=false&controlRodInsertion=0&layout=17CXCXCXCXCXCXCX4CXEXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEXEX4CXEXEXEXEXEXEX2CXEXEXEXEXEXEX4CXCXCXCXCXCXCX17C Playing on All The Mods 3, max internal height = 46. Reading from an RFTools Powercell.
  5. What do you need from me? Tell me which files you need me to upload, and I'll make it happen. I would love to see this work better for me, and you're asking for my help so you can help me better and I'm not sure how to do that. I just found where the mod stores the programs in my world folder. Also, the program is waiting till I get to 0 RF stored, before kicking on the reactor.
  6. I noticed that it kicks into "INCREASING CHARGE" at 20%. However, messing about with the help commands, it dips to about 5% before it kicks in. If I hit CHARGE manually, it'll cap the reactor at 30K rf/t max. The only time it goes beyond that is during the CALIBRATION stage.
  7. Is there a way to override the power generation when the total power storage goes below 20%? It caps my reactor ~30k rf/t, however, during calibration I saw it go well above 600k rf/t. My power demand (at base idle with rftools environment controller and EnvTech void miners) is about 25k rf/t. At 30k generation, it takes forever to fill my generator. And, should I process a large crafting order, that number will jump easily to 200k rf/t. Please advise.
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