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Everything posted by XenizedKitsune

  1. And with that last addition, everything is working perfectly! Thank you so much, Finger and Molinko! If anyone wants my set up for auto-harvesting Pam's Harvestcraft trees, including the prep and robot code, let me know. Until then, best of luck to you all!
  2. Once again, Molinko, you're a lifesaver. The function works beautifully. I don't need it to be elegant or more condensed/complicated if it works exactly as intended, so you did wonderfully. As with all coding, the moment you think you have it all down perfectly, another bug shows up. This time, I think I'm just missing some kind of break. Right now, as soon as the robot gets a redstone signal, it'll run its farming operation. Which is fine, until it completes the operation. Instead of waiting for another redstone signal, it repeats the operation again, ignoring the signal or l
  3. I was simply wondering how functions worked in OpenComputers. It would have been cool if I could crunch my harvest routine into a function so I don't have to hit tab twice after every single line. Due to the random nature of the fruit spawns on each tree, there's nothing repetitive in my code, so functions aren't totally necessary. Thank you for the example, though. Okay, I'm ALMOST done with the code, but there is one last issue that may save me a few dozen lines. How can you make a robot move more than one block in a single line? It won't stop in a block occupied by a f
  4. SUCCESS! The robot has harvested a vanilla bean when I pushed a button! Thank you so much, Finger! The next step now is to teach the robot to equip bonemeal, though that SHOULD be relatively easy... Possibly something like local bonemeal = require("component") bonemeal.inventory_controller.equip Or maybe I need to require just "component"? Trial and error may help. Just needed to require "component". Trying to have it require "inventory_controller" as well gave me... quite the long error message as it looked through every single folder in the 'bot. And as a
  5. In my Sky Factory 3 world, I would like to fully automate a farm for the Pam's Harvestcraft crops and trees. The problem became how to automate harvesting the nuts/fruits (since EnderIO and similar mods just break the trees). I didn't want to line an orchard with mechanical users, so I turned to OpenComputers after noticing I can program a robot to do it for me. I've spent the past few days trying to learn how to build/program a robot, and finally managed to harvest vanilla at all (by jamming a bunch of move and use commands in one .lua ). The next step was suppose to make it react to a r
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