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Ta©ti Tac0Z

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  1. Downvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from anton3312578859 in tacti OS window pased windows 7 expired   
    sence i saw igor Timofeev's mineos i was thinking if it was posible to get those static windows to move and infact there is:
    welcome to the first showcase of the (really un-creative named) tacti OS:
    as you can see it figtures moveable, sizeable, and interactive windows infact all programs running in the OS will be windowed!
    useing my easy-to-use windowLib and windowed-program-api i'll happyly resive any feedback (download link avalable in the below posts)
    (also its gonna happen anyway so come with those grammer currections poeple, i can take it)
    i hope you guys will like my project
  2. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to SpaceBeeGaming in What other networking protocalls Can opencompiters use?   
    I have no experience on this subject matter. And I'm not sure if it is even possible withing OpenComputers. So I can't help.
  3. Like
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to Elektron72 in tacti OS window pased windows 7 expired   
    This operating system is already one of the best OpenComputers operating systems I have seen. When will there be a text editor/file creation?
  4. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Elektron72 in tacti OS window pased windows 7 expired   
    sence i saw igor Timofeev's mineos i was thinking if it was posible to get those static windows to move and infact there is:
    welcome to the first showcase of the (really un-creative named) tacti OS:
    as you can see it figtures moveable, sizeable, and interactive windows infact all programs running in the OS will be windowed!
    useing my easy-to-use windowLib and windowed-program-api i'll happyly resive any feedback (download link avalable in the below posts)
    (also its gonna happen anyway so come with those grammer currections poeple, i can take it)
    i hope you guys will like my project
  5. Like
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Nisutec in Webhook / POST request   
    so i made a little test php script on my website: http://test.noahtg.com/postTest.php
    you can try to do this:
    internet.request("http://test.noahtg.com/postTest.php", {p = "steve"}) that should give you (amoung some html code) a list of all post data that got transfered sysesfully
  6. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from EliteClubSessions in tacti OS window pased windows 7 expired   
    sence i saw igor Timofeev's mineos i was thinking if it was posible to get those static windows to move and infact there is:
    welcome to the first showcase of the (really un-creative named) tacti OS:
    as you can see it figtures moveable, sizeable, and interactive windows infact all programs running in the OS will be windowed!
    useing my easy-to-use windowLib and windowed-program-api i'll happyly resive any feedback (download link avalable in the below posts)
    (also its gonna happen anyway so come with those grammer currections poeple, i can take it)
    i hope you guys will like my project
  7. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Fingercomp in tacti OS window pased windows 7 expired   
    sence i saw igor Timofeev's mineos i was thinking if it was posible to get those static windows to move and infact there is:
    welcome to the first showcase of the (really un-creative named) tacti OS:
    as you can see it figtures moveable, sizeable, and interactive windows infact all programs running in the OS will be windowed!
    useing my easy-to-use windowLib and windowed-program-api i'll happyly resive any feedback (download link avalable in the below posts)
    (also its gonna happen anyway so come with those grammer currections poeple, i can take it)
    i hope you guys will like my project
  8. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to LoganDark in Efficient way of drawing syntax highlighting   
    Okay, thank you!
    I searched everywhere for some sort of double buffering API, but couldn't find it on the forums.
    I'll be sure to check it out
  9. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Molinko in deleting file with a running program   
    the working directory: "the path that the shell is currently in (eg: if in the shell it says: "/home #" the working directory whould be "/home")
    file-root (root): "is the root foldire of the virtuel computers filesystem "/" if not chanched in the mods code. all you need to know is that root means "/"
    your program install/downloads the file on the working directory say for instane i am in "/home" when i start the program the files is going to be installed in that foldire then (eg "/home/0-41-0.mb3d") altho when you are deleteing the files you do not delete them from the working directory (eg: the program is trying to delete: "0-41-0.mb3d" insted of "/home/0-41-0.mb3d".
    toavoid OC to write the files to the working directory we write "/" infront of all the paths when downloading so we tell the mod to write the files at the root ("/") insted of just the working directory a good practese is to all ways incluce a "/" first sense its not all functions who uses the working direcrtory forintance "fs.remove()" doesn't
    this is a working version:
    local c = require("component") local computer = require("computer") local internet = require("internet") local fs = require("filesystem") local p = c.printer3d args = {...} link = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/LordNocturnus/sf-" folder = "/master/" imax = 0 local TIMEOUT = 4 -- in seconds for i = 0, imax do local url = link .. i .. folder .. "list.txt" local status, connection = pcall(internet.request, url) if not status or not connection then print("Download of " .. url .. " failed.") else local startTime = computer.uptime() while true do local response, isFinished = pcall(connection.finishConnect) if response and isFinished then local f = io.open("list.txt", "wb") -- print(status) -- print(response) print(isFinished) -- print(connection) for chunk in connection do f:write(chunk) end f:close() break elseif computer.uptime() - startTime > TIMEOUT then print("Request to " .. url .. " timed out") os.exit() else os.sleep(0.25) end end end for line in io.lines('list.txt') do print(line) local url = link .. i .. folder .. line .. ".mb3d" local status, connection = pcall(internet.request, url) if not status or not connection then print("Download of " .. url .. " failed.") else local startTime = computer.uptime() while true do local response, isFinished = pcall(connection.finishConnect) if response and isFinished then local f = io.open("/"..line .. ".mb3d", "wb") -- print(status) -- print(response) print(isFinished) -- print(connection) for chunk in connection do f:write(chunk) end f:close() break elseif computer.uptime() - startTime > TIMEOUT then print("Request to " .. url .. " timed out") os.exit() else os.sleep(0.25) end end end cords = {} for i in string.gmatch(line,"([^-]+)") do cords[#cords+1] = tonumber(i) end print(cords[1],cords[2],cords[3]) -- printer(cords[1],cords[2],cords[3]) -- do something with the file file = "/"..string.format("%d-%d-%d.mb3d", cords[1],cords[2],cords[3]) fs.remove(file) print(file) end end i added the tihng i was talking about:
    adding a "/".. on line 77 and on line 53
    am happy to help
    btw, the 3d files that the program downloads sems to be curupted.
  10. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to LordNocturnus in deleting file with a running program   
    thanks for the fast answer and no they are not corrupted but work in progress
  11. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to Luca_S in deleting file with a running program   
    Also it might be a good idea download the file to /tmp instead of /, but that would require enough space in /tmp.
  12. Like
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Molinko in make opencomputers processors faster   
    I whould have tryed to save my position in this argument but that point is simply to good You are right
    (i gave up quteing at this time...)
    The thread was not related to any program when this thread was made i was still on the CC side of the community i did rellate it to a program later tho with the checker patten thing i made 
    "it was a joke yes" he lied While thinking about hes math was crappy and forgot how many ticks Per secount minecraft haves. No qestions was asked after that, sens the man infront of him sems to be able to read hes mind.
    "..." the man lost hes apillity to talk, turned around and walked away
    "the tree post here..." 
    ye i guess
    my problem was OC's apillity to Update screens and Why there was so aggressive limits in genual (and yes You May not comment this Line please)
    i suck at forums you are right in all most all your points in You lates post i suck at forums ohhh Wait i Ran out of ideas... Why did i make a list...
  13. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to Luca_S in advancedLoader - Better BIOS   
    The default Lua bios boots by running init.lua on a filesystem. It first tries to boot from the filesystem which address is stored in the EEPROM data. If it can't find init.lua on that file system or init.lua code causes errors while being loaded it goes through all filesystems and boots the first one it can find with /init.lua on it
  14. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to Luca_S in advancedLoader - Better BIOS   
    This BIOS allows you to choose the boot device by either using the arrow keys or clicking/touching the monitor.
    When using the keyboard use Enter to boot, when using clicking/touching click an unselected entry to select it, click a selected entry to boot it.
    If there is only one bootable medium, that medium is autobooted.
    The default selected option is the last booted device.
    This supports booting from filesystems, using /init.lua as an entry point or from drives(HDDs or Floppys in unmanaged mode), by loading code from the first sector until the first \0 character appears as lua code. (From what I've seen unmanaged drives are mostly ignored in OC, which is kinda sad.)

    To install: (This file contains the code needed to flash the BIOS as well as the BIOS code itself, it will ask before flashing it to the EEPROM)
    pastebin run Cx4aTipt  
  15. Upvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z reacted to Luca_S in make opencomputers processors faster   
    While it is not possible to tell you exactly what to do instead, here are a few things you should've done a little bit differently to make this more pleasant and helpful for everyone:
    Your title: "make opencomputers processors faster". You are asking a question in your post which you want answered, why not make that the title instead: "How do I increase or remove the limits of the CPU/RAM?" This makes it easy at first glance for everyone to see what you try to accomplish "make [...] processors faster" sounds like you are giving someone the command to do so, which is not good when asking questions. What would've been even better is to ask a question in relation to your program(e.g. "How can I optimise a program for <this>?"), however that would require you to show the program to the community, which you seem unwilling to do so.(Also you should note that this decreases the chances of you getting help) Your post You should've clarified better what your actual problem was. E.g. "This program(<link to program>) is running slow, I tried <this and that> to optimise it, but it doesn't seem to work. I would be grateful for any ideas" Your first reply: "right... how lovely... ONLY ONE COMPONENT CALL PER TICK!!! JESUS duckING CRIST... that most be a joke, right? Screaming at people/Writing in all caps is not very well perceived by most and will not get you anywhere This also doesn't add something really constructive to the discussion Better would be something like: "This seems pretty slow. Is there any way to increase the component calls when in single player?" I guess that reply was written in a lot of anger, but if you are angry at something, it might be better to write the post, not click submit, wait a few minutes until you've calmed down and think again if this post will be constructive in any way "so i can see that buffer api thing have the standart gpu functions so i give the infomation to the buffer (eg buffer.set(2,2,0xff0000, 0, " ")) and the buffer api will only do a gpu.set opration when it has to limting unnessary gpu.set's? is that how that works?". This was actually a pretty good post: It shows that you've checked out the topic and know what you are talking about It states a clear question The three posts here are a bit unnecessary and could've been put in one post asking "I've tried this: <code here> and it doesn't work. I have <this and that> problem." These are just a few random thoughts about how you could've gotten/will get better help.
  16. Downvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Luca_S in make opencomputers processors faster   
    Shit Sorry bomb block Said he was one of you am Sorry up curse when You Said mod You meant modification not modutator am Sorry. When thats Said You are begging to get a bad resolut when You say:
    You are basicly saying: "p.s i know am a butthole live with it"
    i know my learning skills is about at the zero mark but starting out with and i qoute: Noah, sometimes, you're just wrong/"don't get it"
    is a great Way to not Being a Leading member i see You used the "deleted" efect on it now tho, how conviniend
    Also as a addisinal thing
    This is the assistance You have given me in this entire thread:
    Ohhh Wait that is a compliant  
    also this thread was not meant as a complaint more of a am-complaining-about-some-thing-now-currect-me-please-becuse-i-know-am-wrong and i was my game is pushing 50fps becuse of tjat buffer API am makeing lemmings in OC it works great
  17. Downvote
    Ta©ti Tac0Z got a reaction from Molinko in make opencomputers processors faster   
    Shit Sorry bomb block Said he was one of you am Sorry up curse when You Said mod You meant modification not modutator am Sorry. When thats Said You are begging to get a bad resolut when You say:
    You are basicly saying: "p.s i know am a butthole live with it"
    i know my learning skills is about at the zero mark but starting out with and i qoute: Noah, sometimes, you're just wrong/"don't get it"
    is a great Way to not Being a Leading member i see You used the "deleted" efect on it now tho, how conviniend
    Also as a addisinal thing
    This is the assistance You have given me in this entire thread:
    Ohhh Wait that is a compliant  
    also this thread was not meant as a complaint more of a am-complaining-about-some-thing-now-currect-me-please-becuse-i-know-am-wrong and i was my game is pushing 50fps becuse of tjat buffer API am makeing lemmings in OC it works great
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