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About Hellreaper

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    Junior Member
  • Birthday 11/21/1995

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    Torben Van Assche

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  1. Hello, I have an inventory (RandomThings:PlayerInterface) connected via an adapter to my PC. It acts like a chest so no problems there. I found the connection but I can't get the NBT data for the tool (I wanna see which part its made of). I ve checked using the debug data in MC and i read the data I am looking for inside the NBT data of the tool, but I have no idea how and if the computer can access this data. If anyone knows anything I can do to access this data please do tell as I am at a loss.
  2. oh god, I was just assuming they were using the same bits of code... Still got a lot ot learn xs
  3. I seem to be running 5.2 but im not running into issues with it, so I dont think it matters if its there or not... Though I am running into an issue with the link u gave while I was trying to get it to work and I dont know why (error is on line 60) Not sure how to fix it, it should be replaced with event.pull() but http://pastebin.com/WAtUwmTL
  4. I ll check back again when i get back on the server (we re just making a backup and adding some mods so it could take about an hour I think unitill ir runs again. given id conflicts and such might pop up)
  5. afaik im running 5.2 but i need to require it. not sure what its about but doesnt rly matter,
  6. I understood most of what was happening in that code, but I currently get an error doing the pack command on a table. I used the require for table and i assumed pack would be a function coming along with that... I was wrong?
  7. Well damn ok than xD I ll check it tomorrow, its a bit hard on my phome amd its nearly 2 am here. Thx a lot tho, i think that will solve a lot of stuff, from what i can read with the horrible phone formatting on git xd
  8. Sure man, feel free to do so, Im curious what will come out of a more expierenced Lua coder ^^. I might hed of to bed shortly though, its getting kinda late. I lll check bak here in about 10ish hours xd
  9. http://pastebin.com/CZDtE8rn here ya go Im basically trying to make a terminal glasses terminal with a hud for every player. But I have my girlfriend playing on the server and I wanna change some stuff on her hud. (I may or not have drawn a heart around her cursor xD) Call it cheesy but its fun to do and good for a few laughs. That and poking around to see how crazy I can go with the terminal glasses interface. Been wanting to try it out and now I finally have some time to mess with it and actually get results EDIT: I fixed the nil thing, users[ v.name ] = user this was causing
  10. Damn tables are confusing... To understand more or less what you are doing here I would compare the users-array to a struct holding 3 variables. Feel free to give some lua coding standards cuz I know myself to be a messy cder when it comes to it ^^ I try to write in functions but I'm used to having everything in a separate file abnd having access to that. Since I dont really know how to do that in Lua it leaves me with long files with a lot of functions... I googled a bit and found I could use shell but im not sure if that is an option that is worth using. Now I am trying to fix t
  11. I more or less got it working, all I don't uite seem to get is how to call a method to draw on a surface with this, how do I add a method to users.surface? I was going to try and make a method for every if statement like I am doing, so I can organise eaily. Basically I make a method for everything I want on the hud seperately, and call those in a method for the player that I want it to see it. I am not sure what I need to write in the first method for it to show up in the specific hud. As a sidenote, do I need to worry about the order of methods? does a method need to be written above i
  12. Ah i c. What u r doing makes sense. Using the string in the if structure and than sending the information to the value from the key. What i was doing checks using the name and only reads who is using the machine. I think thats how i messed up. I want the code to work but before I use it I always like to ask how exactly it works if im not sure ^^ that way i cn keep learning. Thx man, i ll try it when i get home and post the results
  13. Hello again guys, I need some help getting the terminal glasses to do what I want. (if its possible because I don't see a way to do it) I am trying to get a HUD using the terminal glasses from openperipherals and I'm all set up with it, the only issue is that I do not know how to send an element of the HUD to one specific person. f.e.: I would write the information coming from my reactor to one person, and not send that info (or not show it) to the other. Using the getUsers() method I managed to get the name of the player (with thanks to the forums) but it seems it is read only?
  14. Got another issue but a bit more complicated and I can't think how it would be possible, I have the names now and I can display them, but the current problem is that its a read only thing... And I cannot personalise the HUD per person, All I can do is get the names of the people connected to it. I cant get access and show a specific thing individually. Is this a limitation or am I missing something? (Should this be a new topic or can I put this here? Otherwise I ll move it)
  15. damn tahts one masterful piece. I used the second one, but i assume the #users is the amount of things in the table? I am unfamiliar with lua but that would make sense (I am used to some C++ but i m still in school for it) I also marked yours as best answer because if people run into the same problem your answer is most compolete and explanatory thank you very much. Now I can send secret messages and give my friends on my server their own glasses UI of their own choosing ^^
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