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About Bananasrawesome

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  1. Earlier this year I changed the date to Christmas to mess around with a mod. While crafting OC iron nuggets I got a random present item. When I used it it gave me a couple parts. How do I make this happen again?
  2. Thanks, I think the driver might be the crash problem, but now I have a bigger problem. I deleted that "hs_err_pid..." file while cleaning out some junk. I emptied the recycle bin several times so their is no recovering that file. Can I replicate it?
  3. I couldn't find a crash report in the crash-reports folder bud it displayed this in the launcher window after crashing: [09:20:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Loading tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [09:20:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Using primary tweak class name cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [09:20:18] [main/INFO] [LaunchWrapper]: Calling tweak class cpw.mods.fml.common.launcher.FMLTweaker [09:20:18] [main/INFO] [FML]: Forge Mod Loader version for Minecraft 1.7.10 loading [09:20:18] [main/INFO] [FML]: Java is Java HotSpot Client VM, v
  4. My computer (My actual computer) has 2 gygabytes of ram with amd graphics running Windows 7. I'm using Minecraft 1.7.10 with Java 7 and the latest version of open computers. When I place a hologram projector block of either tier down, Minecraft crashes. Why? Is it because of the low amount of ram I have?
  5. My computer is Windows. Is it possible for me to copy the cmd.exe file and use that? Also, how would i add that to the mod?
  6. Well, i guess you're right. I'll get to learning Lua as soon as I'm done learning C++ but that may not happen soon, unless I lose interest in C++.
  7. I don't know how to program in Lua but I do know MS-DOS pretty well. I think an MS-DOS emulator in the game which installs the same way as open os and does the same thing would be easier for those who do not know Lua and might know Batch. Are their any add-ons that add this feature? If so, could someone provide a download link? The Minecraft version this is for is 1.7.10.
  8. Bananasrawesome


    Can you add a gui? That would make things very easy. Also, it would be nice to create simple text files without needing to use the "print" function.
  9. This is useful. At least I won't be bored with the mod for a little while longer.
  10. I am currently studying C++ and know nothing about Lua. I know Batch pretty well so can someone tell me how I could add MS-DOS to my copy of the mod? The only thing I could do in the mod is put computers together and find ways to power them. Also, a separate mod adding MS-DOS to Open Computers would be cool. Please be sure it is compatible with Minecraft 1.7.10 because 1.7.10 seems to be the most stable version.
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