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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/18/18 in all areas

  1. vTunnel can be used to add bridging over the internet to any existing OpenOS software that uses linked cards. Despite originally being written for Minitel, vTunnel implements a fully-functional linked card emulator and a server that will run under most unix-likes (OpenBSD is currently somewhat flaky, Linux is recommended). You can peruse the page on Github, for documentation and protocol information. Install it with oppm: oppm install vtunnel Additionally, you can read the documentation in-game with man vtunnel
    1 point
  2. Hello. So you know how to make a program in ComputerCraft and you want to switch to OpenComputers or just want to know OC better, this tutorial shows you how to use OpenComputers. 0. Some concepts you have to know You can think of Components like Peripherals in CC. They are basically the same require is a function in Lua that returns a module. It can be compared to ComputerCrafts os.loadAPI. But require doen't load an API global like loadAPI, instead it returns the API and it doesn't return the _G table that the api defines. It returns what the loaded File returns like a
    1 point
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