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Help to make colored Text


Okay, so i am a complete NEWB with lua. Never programmed in my life. 
I have watched the tutorials and none of which help me at all. 

I want to basically copy the idea of ComputerCrafts 


where i can set what i am printing/writing on the screen in color. 

i can do 

local term = require("term")
local component = require("component")
local gpu = compontent.gpu


print(gpu.serForeground(0x2E86C1) .. "Test")

This changes my entire text to a blue. rather then just color the text i want in that line. 

Any help would be great.   Maybe this can be used for beginners to simply be able to make a Rules/Info page on their Server (Which is the idea i am after)

Sorry for the NEWB questions. 

Thank you

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Well, last i checked ComputerCraft does essentially the same thing without hexadecimal if i recall correctly, but the way i would go about it is on the next line, change it back to white with


so your finished code would be

local term = require("term")
local component = require("component")
local gpu = component.gpu
print(gpu.setForeground(0x2E86C1) .. "Test")


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I will try to help you as best as I can.

First of all, this is not CC(Computer craft), so, don't you dare to try and port some code etc. It is kind of similar, and a buch of stuff can be portet, yet still it is different in a way.

In order to have colored things on ya screen you may want to use... I belive tier 2 and up? But just in case, uset T3 screen and T3 gpu.

I will write a bunch of code, hope you will understand, but first a bit of syntax, so you aren't confused. Whenever I will use '---' without quotes, that means that everything after those three dashes is not a part of code and OC won't compile it untill you start new line with enter. And that is all.

So, code...

---Initialization, this is part when you have to define all global variables and APIs to use(and hardware as well).
local term=request('term')---this will allow ya to use some terminal related functions, such as term.clear(), etc. Works with printed text only
local component=request('component')---this will allow you to use components
local gpu=component.gpu---this will allow you to use all GPU related stuff (also a reason why you had to define component)
local forecolor=0xFF0000---this is a hexadecimal numeric value of foreground color in RGB. This is Red as possible.
local backcolor=0x0000FF---this in the other hand is as blue as possible. Google 'hexadecimal colors', you will find all numbers you need.
local w,h=gpu.getResolution()---will get and store your resolution of screen in w-width and h-height

term.clear()---clears text, don't remember if there is any by default
gpu.setDepth(8)---this will set 8-bit color depth (8-bit is max, not sure if by default tho)

---now we can write some stuff
gpu.set(1,1,'Hello world!")---this will print 'Hello world' text on screen starting at 0 0 coords. See that I am not using print('text')
---.set is your way to go if you want to play with colors, it is more controllable and relayable than print()
---Text up there will be in default colors, b/w, now let's change it
gpu.setBackground(backcolor)---both self explaning. Just set color of text and it's background.
gpu.set(1,2,'Hello, I am in color now!!!!')---Red text on blue background in line 2.
term.clear()---nothing happens as those typings on screen aren't terminal related, rather GPU specific things.
os.sleep(5)---sleep for 5 sec, cute, isn't it?
gpu.setBackground(0x000000)---black background
gpu.fill(1,1,w,h,' ')---this will fill rectangular area with it's top left corner at 1,1, while being w width and h high. Filled with blank black spaces.
---Screen is cleared after 5 seconds as it will fill area equal to your resolution.
os.exit()---exits program (in case you have loops this is way to go, here it isn't necessary)

So... Sorry for my english btw.

Hope I helped you

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I think this is what you mean...?

local term = require 'term'
local component = require 'component'
local gpu = component.getPrimary 'gpu'

--          text                   color          palette color? (true or false) (optional)
-- Takes ( 'some string to color', number_color, [isPaletteColor] )
local function cWrite( text, fgc, pIndex )
	local old_fgc, isPalette = gpu.getForeground()
	pIndex = ( type( pIndex ) == 'boolean' ) and pIndex or false
	gpu.setForeground( fgc, pIndex )
	write( text )
	gpu.setForeground( old_fgc, isPalette )

-- Usage:
cWrite( 'Hello colorfully', 0x2E86C1 )

-- Or with a palette color..
cWrite( 'Hello colorfully', 1, true )


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