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About ummwut

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  1. I'm sorry if I came off rude in my previous post. Well, the server suggestion is a great one, I had completely forgotten about it. I guess I'll go dig up that threading API now. The reason for parallelization is a simple one: It can yield a significant speed boost. Even something as simple as an editor with a GUI can be choppy without splitting up the tasks that it does.
  2. ummwut


    That's a simple thing to implement, but it would be pretty slow, since it would have to iterate through tables and do a bunch of string matching. I'll think about it after I finish up the remaining code. Maybe someone else, or yourself, could add it in after I post the code up? After all, are you not here because you enjoy coding?
  3. ummwut


    I had an idea for a project that I felt the community would appreciate: a fairly puny operating system. It binds the keyboard+screen+gpu, then enters into a Lua prompt. That's pretty much it. I'll be finished with the last details in the next few days, but I felt I'd make this post now to get some feedback for what I was doing, and if it was even desired by the community. Generally I'm disappointed with Lua prompts, and given how available to modification some components of the system are, I've decided to add two extra features. 1) The prompt will be scrollable, as it is in some h
  4. I started playing with this mod since it had been added to the Crack Pack modpack (which seems to have replaced ComputerCraft, probably to address balance issues). Anyway, because OC uses Lua in much the same way CC does, it also seems to have the same limitations: parallelization. I'm aware that Lua itself limits how it implements threading (via cooperative subroutines) and in CC I always employed separate computer blocks, basically adding more processors, to address this issue. Pseudo-parallelization has never been an issue when I implement purely event-driven code, but I was almost
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