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  1. So... I'm back...you know radars are expensive... that makes radar upgrades for each drone more expensive...which defeats the purpose of having a dispensable army. This is my attempt at fixing this issue: Instead of having each of your drone fly around with equipment worth half of the US military budget, why not have a single radar and a computer to tell the swarm where to buzz around?. Here's the new stuff that you need: a Waypoint block named "yeet" -- or something else if you want, just don't forget to change it in the code Radar block --from computronics a computer
  2. ok buddy Im back about the lightcolors thing I finally had time too look into it and found what might be the problem: let me know if it works Le BRAIN.lua (this goes in the drone) local m=component.proxy(component.list("modem")()) local d=component.proxy(component.list("drone")()) d.setLightColor(0x00FFE8) -- the first character 's' of the method should have been in lower case d.setStatusText(d.name()) -- same here... my bad m.open(2412) m.setWakeMes
  3. yeah about that... I might have forgotten to document the version I used for this... I haven't even checked if my code even works on the latest version... its going to take me a while to sort this out actually... so you might want to start tweaking the code a bit while I can't...
  4. Hi, sorry for the late reply, are you using your own code or my code above. it would really help if you could show us the part code you edited...
  5. Hi, are you tired of your mundane minions? do you have a s@$# ton of drones and have no idea what to do with them? are you tired of havi- you know what here's the code for your Drone Army (I don't know what else to say to convince you that this is a program worth playing with): Le client.lua (this goes in your tablet): local component = require("component") local event = require("event") local serialization= require("serialization") local computer= require("computer") local modem = component.modem modem.open(2412
  6. oh wait... why did I post this on the programming thread?... hold on
  7. I used sangars drone control scheme and tried sending it "computer.shutdown" but I wouldn't be here if it did work XD
  8. Good news I solved it somehow... I put the table sorting line in a function OUTSIDE of the while loop and call it using 'event.listen' (I got it from event.lua)
  9. well thats odd... apparently the drone tries to broadcast twice, I tweaked the code a small bit: local computer=require("computer") local component=require("component") local d= component.proxy(component.list("drone")()) local m= component.proxy(component.list("modem")()) local r= component.proxy(component.list("radar")()) m.open(1) while true do local_,_,_,_,_,rtable,mov,x,y,z = computer.pullSignal() if mov=="follow" then for k, v in pairs(r.getEntities()) do m.broadcast(1,"rreeeee") - - #Le tweak end end end
  10. what, do I just smack the drone with it?: I don' think that the radar would give out a nil value I tried broadcasting the 'v' entries from the drone with this code: local d= component.proxy(component.list("drone")()) local m= component.proxy(component.list("modem")()) local r= component.proxy(component.list("radar")()) m.open(1) while true do local_,_,_,_,_,rtable,mov,x,y,z = computer.pullSignal() if mov=="follow" then for k, v in pairs(r.getEntities()) do m.broadcast(1,v.name,v.distance,v.x,v.y,v.z) end
  11. so for context I tested this code on some bots: local component = require("component") local event = require("event") local robot = require("robot") component.modem.open(1) local function b(_,_,_,_,_,mov) if mov=="follow" then for k,v in pairs(component.radar.getEntities()) do if v.name=="PHOBOSS" then if v.y<-1 then for i=0,v.y,-1 do robot.down() end end if v.y>-1 then for i=0,v.y, 1 do robot.up() end
  12. doh, Im so dumb, thanks m8s been a great help XD
  13. yeah... I want it to keep printing hello repeatedly until I tell it to stop without having to reboot
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