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  1. Since I can't seem to find a way to do this, I'll simply shift the responsibility over to the script programmer and return an error instead, asking the programmer to wait for a signal before trying to transmit again.
  2. I don't need to pause the computer but to rather pause the execution of the program (something that event.pull in Lua can do). Returning false or throwing an error is a bit of a breaking API change and differs from the ComputerCraft approach, so I'd prefer to not use it. However, it could be a good idea to send a signal either way to allow catching it, but I'd still need to enforce the limit by waiting a certain amount of time in the callback.
  3. Thank you for the tip, I'll be trying IRC or Discord soon. I'll mark this thread as solved once I get a satisfactory solution.
  4. Are the forums basically inactive with everyone choosing to hang around Discord instead? Mostly asking for whether I have a chance of getting the answer here or if I should somehow get on there to ask this.
  5. I'm trying to implement OpenComputers support for a mod I'm making. The mod in question already supports ComputerCraft. I've managed to add OC support for everything else save for a radio transmitter block. The block / tile entity in question is designed to allow sending data over a channel, but is restricted to sending a certain amount of data within a timeframe. To be exact, you can send 2205 bytes over a channel 5 times a second (0.2 seconds per packet). To this end, the transmission method for ComputerCraft waits a certain amount of time if data has already been sent: if (
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