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Aether last won the day on May 8 2017

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About Aether

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  1. Thanks!!! now my programs can show the hour in their GUI, and it also helped me to understand an eventhandler!
  2. I would like to know how can a choice call a function because I was trying this and I didn't find out, I'm talking about the single dimension table.
  3. This is the program. local component = require("component") local sensor = component.motion_sensor local sides = require("sides") local io = require("io") local term = require("term") local event = require("event") sensor.setSensitivity(0.2) local range=1 ------ Functions ----- function close() local rs1 = component.proxy("bebe4c8f-a23e-4e7a-baec-be0124a0b598") rs1.setOutput(sides.right,0) os.sleep(1) for address in component.list("redstone",true) do local rs = component.proxy(address) rs.setOutput(sides.top,15) end end function open() for address in c
  4. This is the code, I only tweaked the colors in the gui.lua but didn't touch anything else. local component = require("component") local gpu = component.gpu local gui = require("gui") local prgName = "Door control" local version = "0.1" local sides = require("sides") local term = require("term") local event = require("event") local i = 0 local io = require("io") function toggleRedstone(guiID, id) for address in component.list("redstone",true) do rs = component.proxy(address) rs.setOutput(5,15) end end function untoggleRedstone(guiID, id) for address in component.list("reds
  5. After booting up the PC the gui works fine, when I start the program again it just won't work until I reboot the PC.
  6. local component = require("component") local upright = component.proxy("ced03056-f8ea-432b-94c0-a89b9d1b3336")--Change the addresses to match with your Redstone I/O's local upleft = component.proxy("182fc96d-d245-4bed-a69c-71469b286418")-- local downright = component.proxy("3d65cc84-e08d-4d32-9c65-b9c9aba60a18") local downleft = component.proxy("fc7ebe48-702b-4e1e-9911-5c09c602588c") local downright2= component.proxy("1a760530-540e-438a-8cc5-803c75a5767e") local downleft2= component.proxy("9de1f13e-4347-408a-bb0a-46f7b2241a15") function close() downleft.setOutput(1,15) downleft.setOutput(3
  7. Tody I tried the 3D printer. The easyiest way to edit is in blender with the exporter that someone uploaded. For what I know.
  8. Aether

    3D Printer

    How do I import a 3dm file from my desktop into a minecraft computer?
  9. Hi, how do I import the 3dm file into minecraft, I am new to this. Thanks.
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