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Everything posted by Elijahlorden

  1. If you do end up creating additional drivers, let me know. I would love to include them!
  2. I designed the tablet driver with the intention of using linked cards. I find wireless networks in OC to be unreliable, especially where the tablet is concerned. I can add an option to toggle the use of wireless cards in responding to a ping and accessing the gateRegistry, though.
  3. Wow. Ok then. The OS is heavily network-oriented. It's written so any device can run a command on any other device in the network. The reason for having to press a key to bring up the prompt is because running one of these commands from the network will mess up the prompt if it is open. listComponentMethods takes an address, if you look at the arguments listed in 'help listComponentMethods' (I can allow it to look for components by primary if it does not find one by address). The shutdown/reboot command errors are legit, it's happening because the command does not for the case where a de
  4. https://github.com/elijahlorden/StattenOS-Installer You can get the installer files from here for now. use wget to close the Installer and InstallData files to files of the same names in the root directory of an existing OpenOS install (not the OpenOS floppy). Next, run the installer and power cycle the computer once it has completed. I will add instructions to the initial post (including the wget commands for copy/paste).
  5. The first OS install will have to be done on top of an existing OpenOS install, which will be erased and replaced with StattenOS. The OS has a command you can use to install copies of itself to another drive. Additionally, if you update the OS on the central server, you can use the sendUpdate command to compile and send a copy of the new OS files to every device on the network, which means you don't need to go to every device and update it individually.
  6. Currently I manually add the files via windows explorer, but I'm working on an installer that can be downloaded and run from an OpenOS install.
  7. This is not dead. Recent updates: - Finished basic Stargate control implementation - Added Mekanism fusion reactor control program I will eventually get around to updating the initial post with more information.
  8. The simplicity is intentional, I prefer to be rather utilitarian with my code. The system IS very network-oriented. The goal is to be able to access any device on the network from any other device on the network. The eventual point of this project is a system which will allow me to control various aspects of my base from anywhere (this is accomplished by using linked cards in the control tablets). Currently I am going to be focusing mostly on utility. The first useful function the system will perform is SGCraft related. I know there are already plenty of gate control systems out there, b
  9. https://github.com/elijahlorden/StattenOS This is a very early implementation of StattenOS, a networked base control system I am developing. Installation instructions: You will need a hard drive with an existing OpenOS install, and an internet card to access Pastebin. You will also need one tier 3.5 memory (at least) in order to run the installer. Navigate to the root directory (which is just up one from the default OpenOS directory) and run the following commands: pastebin get fNQ4EUTg InstallData pastebin get uZhxkJLt Installer The first file may take a mom
  10. I see that linked cards can be put in relays, but I'm not sure what port messages relayed by linked cards are sent on.
  11. Is this still being worked on? This is a fantastic concept, and I would love to see it in-game!
  12. Nevermind! It appears that other Lua variants handle concurrent tasks differently than OC Lua. For anybody who is interested, you can use the following to run a function repeatedly even while event.pull() is holding up the thread: event.timer(0.05, function() print("stuff") , math.huge) --interval between runs, callback function, number of times to be run
  13. I am attempting to write my own operating system. So far everything is going perfectly fine, except for this extremely annoying issue I am having. (I am not writing my own core libraries, I copied those from the OpenOS files on GitHub) For my Shell, I would like tasks running in the background to be able to print to the screen without messing up the user input prompt. My attempt at doing this: local Shell = {} Shell.ShellBacklog = {{Type = "print", Text = "- Init Shell -"}} -- {Type = "print", Text = " "} Shell.promptOpen = false Shell.prompt = ">>> " Shell.history = {} Sh
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