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7Roses last won the day on April 7 2017

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About 7Roses

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  1. currently it just takes the text size of your screen. so if you change your resolution of the chars the text will scale with it. I may try to see if there is an easy way to change the size of the powerchecker separate from other parts of the screen, but for the moment it just takes the gpu and asks to write text. So if you want to get it bigger and don't care that all text on the screen will be bigger, just change the screen's resolution and the text will be bigger.
  2. changelog: - implemented hpu.fill() function *same as the hologram api, but for multiholo* - implemented hpudraw.vertex(point1,point2,point3,value) -- with points a table {x=,y=,z=} - implemented some more vector math functions in the vector module. sorry no pictures of the new features, can't find out how to add a picture in 0.02MB :-/ EDIT: cause I don't want to post twice in a row: version 0.3 is ready!! changelog: ==Changes: - hpu.bind(hologramProxy,x,y,z) now can be called with an additional colorPalet table. hpu.bind(hologramProxy,x,y,z,palette) where palette wo
  3. you can detach the thread... just make a script that starts a certain function in a separate thread local thread = require("thread"); theMainfunctionForThisThread = function() --[[ here your background process, or a require and a call to the actual process]] end; local yourBackgroundProcess = thread.create(theMainfunctionForThisThread); yourBackgroundProcess:detach(); -- done, the script will stop, but the background process will run till it's mainloop is stoped. be aware, errors in other threads can be eaten. so make sure the process is working perfect before doing some
  4. at the moment you can, although its not yet supposed to work that way. but the current workaround to get that is to configure them as if it where a 48*4 x 48 x 32 space, but use the translation functions on the separate holograms to overlap the regions that way you just need to remember to use certain voxel ranges for certain colors (1->48 as 3 colors, 49->96 as another 3, 97->... ) but that's a bit of a difficult thing to do :/ so maybe a later version will give you a much easier way to get what you just asked. but currently I'm still working on the fill and copy
  5. I present you my first version of a hologram api. so first of all, yes I know the hologram already has an component api well documented. but I extended a bit upon this. First and for all, I found the 48*48*32 voxels a bit low... so thats what this api does. it will give you the option to combine 2,3,4,n hologram projectors and access them as if it where one. so how to use this api? just download the files and save them on your pc. github link to files (you only need the /usr/lib/hpu.lua for the basic functionality) then add the next requirement to your script in n
  6. look at how init.lua works. (maybe also take a look at the boot.lua it calls) there it is loading/saving code into memory. after that the actual code to make that function doesn't need to exist anymore. (as long as the computer is not shut down or reboots) so.. if you wanted to have a function not in the filesystem thats the way to go. load it yourself, maybe even assign it to _G.yourfunctionname (global scope) and then you can run it from any script without the require() function. if this script to load that function would be placed on a disk, you could load the disk, run
  7. While starting with Opencomputers scripting (and learning some lua), I found out that while not much, there computers still need some power. So here came my idea to build a powercheck script (deamon) to show my power level of the computer (or network) and be ready to save my files before the computer shuts down mid editing a script. this version is only a visual aid for knowing your energy leven, executing some functions if the power is to low to continue aren't implemented. Requirements: not much, the openOS should be enough, and a valid computer with screen.
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