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Everything posted by Nexarius

  1. Update 3.0.0: I've added secondary screens to make your control room cooler.
  2. I just tried to install this but it doesn't work.
  3. It's broken in the mod. This should work but doesn't. Do you know the guy who made this version of SGCraft? I like the changes
  4. Thanks for the heads up I'll check that.
  5. Nexarius

    Hep with my code?

    Print3d doesn't check getMaxShapeCount() at all. Go to your OpenComputer config file and check the value of "maxPrinterShapes".
  6. Now it works correctly. https://youtu.be/U4bb3ESzt0k
  7. Hm... I will check that. It will work across dimensions (the stargate is compatible with OpenComputers wireless signals). Linked cards are not supported in nexDHD. Maybe.
  8. The response was already in the program but the part on the tablet that should show something wasn't I've improved it now to show a response on the tablet if the IDC is correct. The IDC transmission between 2 nexDHD computers is secure and cannot be intercepted by anyone. The tablet however broadcast to anything in range (20 blocks) and another player with a tablet in his inventory could steal your IDC because the code for doing that is trivial (and no I won't be helping with that). You can now install it directly with: pastebin run -f YVqKFnsP gdo
  9. You "should" get a response on the tablet if the IDC is correct or not. Do both computers have a wireless network card? Are both on the same port? There are some frustratingly strange performance issues in my program with wireless signals and I didn't have the time to figure it out so I never really finished the tablet program...
  10. And just to push it over the top into the rediculous area I've doubled it again to 256! That should be enough for forever. (I even had a lot of trouble coming up with so many for testing)
  11. Thanks Now with essentia and extracell support there is suddenly a lot more stuff on the display and it has a higher chance to reach the limit of 64 fluids. I've improved it now and doubled the maximum number to 128!
  12. Big Update version 2+ The screen scales better to utilize the "room" to the fullest. Thaumcraft: I've added support for jars and essentia (Thaumcraft 6 needs Thaumic Computers mod) ExtraCells: It's now possible to connect my program to the ME System and read all liquids from it. Thaumic Energistics: Additionally it can read essentia from the system if you have Thaumic Energistics installed. Energy EU: You can connect any EU storage device and it will show it on the screen. Energy RF: Furthermore you can also connect any RF storage block and it will work
  13. How many stargate do you have in your address list that you need a search function?
  14. The error is basically saying that the OpenOS floppy disk is read only. You need a harddrive and have to type in "install" to copy OpenOS onto the harddrive otherwise you won't be able to save any files. This step is important for ALL programs.
  15. The Openblocks tank work differently and every piece is "seperated" there is no way for the computer to get the fluid amount of all tanks without placing an adapter at every openblocks tank. The color table are the only colors that the ingame computer can display. First you would have to give me their correct internal name of the fluid. You can find that on the display in the program when you connect it with the fluids. I don't think I need any colors for methane, deuterium, helium, hydrogen and oxygen because they are already in the program as gregtech fluids so I just need the
  16. I'm just guessing here but it looks like a problem with the wrong directory. Try to go to / and not /home by typing "cd /" and try again.
  17. I've added the 3 liquids in version 1.8.7. Btw I only need 4 RGB values for each fluid.
  18. Thanks It's a lot of work so I only added the liquids for the mods in my modpack and Thermal Foundation isn't in there. If you provide me with the 4 RGB color values for each liquid then I could add them to the program. (example)
  19. I haven't used ME Extracells after I created this program so I don't know how it will interact. Is the client computer showing fluids on the screen? Did you put the tank controller inside the adapter? Are both computers in a network (wirless or wired) ? Is the wireless network card range in the config high enough? Is the client and server on the same version? Btw this error just means that it isn't getting any data.
  20. That looks pretty cool. How can you calculate the world coords from the stargate address?
  21. That makes sense. What you gave me are the localized names -> "label" but the program uses the internal liquid name -> "name". I tweaked the display in 1.8.5 to show that better because labels change depending on the selected language for minecraft. Update 1.8.6: -fixed Thermal Foundation liquids
  22. Just install it again. It will overwrite the old files.
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