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Everything posted by PixelPi

  1. I regularly work with MySQL databases. Mainly I operate with self-written Perl scripts on them. If I could help in any way, I would be happy to do so.
  2. Hi! Are there plans to make a stable release for 1.12 any time soon? Found this on Jenkins: http://ci.cil.li/job/OpenComputers-dev-MC1.12/ Will it be possible to upgrade from the 1.10.2 version directly to 1.12.1? Regards Oliver
  3. Like this drawing. Do you have it in a higher resolution (1920x1280)?
  4. Of the little that I have understood the main motivation for Eris was persistence: https://github.com/fnuecke/eris From my personal view this is one of the coolest features of OpenComputers.
  5. Hi jhagrid! There are a lot good introductions in Lua: https://www.lua.org/pil/p1.html But is this really fun? What do you think about an OpenComputers/Lua based live stream at Twitch programming: https://www.twitch.tv/directory/game/Creative/programming We could use my Linux streaming infrastructure. I can synchronously stream to YouTube or record the stream. If things go well, we have automatically a video tutorial or can cut one. We have to try it first and gain experience. It will certainly take time until we are good. But it would be fun, I think. EDIT:
  6. Slighty OT: Do you know if 1.5 will appear for MInecraft 1.9?
  7. Does it supports Minecraft Version 1.8.8 (Forge and above)? Because Curseforge only mentioned 1.8: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/projects/opencomputers/files/2267429
  8. Thank you. That seems to work. Your program is great. A note on the screens in general: It is tricky to place them with the desired alignment. A screen can facing north, south, west, east, bottom or up. North should be alignment number 8 for example. So I think your idea to use different colors should work. But what I want to say: Screens are a burden on the client site even if they are turned off. I personally create them, therefore, only by hand and when I need them. Align the screens correctly goes very quickly. Much more important for me is that you have implemented a structured cab
  9. I've posted my script above. I use two simple hashes (block_val2id and opencomputers_val2id) to map everything to block IDs. Krutoy is using the block values instead of the block IDs. That's all so far as I understand it. Or do I miss something? With the mapped IDs I can simply use Minecrafts fill command. You need Minecraft 1.8 or later in order to use it. But it works under vanilla. I had some stability problems with Forge. Also on my internet server I can't use OpenComputers at the moment, because of an outdated remote Mac OS/Java Client which must be updated first. In the script you c
  10. I'm using Ubuntu 14.04 too. Open a terminal. 1. sudo apt-get install dh-make-perl 2. dh-make-perl --cpan Minecraft::RCON 3. sudo dpkg -i libminecraft-rcon-perl_0.1.4-1_all.deb 4. Fetch Krutoy's data center lua table and save it to a file. 5. Set up a local minecraft server (with rcon turned on) on your local machine (localhost). 6. Start your minecraft client and connect to your local server. 7. Save the following script to a file, customize it and run it: #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; use Minecraft::RCON; # Your credentials here: my $mc_server = 'YourServer'; my $mc_rcon_port =
  11. Which IDs are wrong? I've wrote a little convert perl-script for vanilla minecraft. Should I share it with you? And yes. Another file for the smaller building would be cool.
  12. Hi Krutoy, I've tested your converter with this set of skeleton characters: https://voxeltiles.wordpress.com/2015/02/25/voxel-skeleton-set-v-1/ It works, but the colors are mapped almost wrong and the figures appear in Minecraft flipped on the X-axis. I have not had time to look at your code in more detail. Maybe there is also a problem with the VOX-files. Perhaps you have an idea. By the way: With the right mappings this skeletons looks pretty cool in Minecraft.
  13. Yes it does. I've made this little video: deleted
  14. Yes. I did it vanilla style with fill commands via RCON. Thanks for the clarification.
  15. Thank you! The IDs come from your MagicaVoxels converter script. For the MC 1.8 fill command I have to map the magical numbers 513, 533, 531 and 4229 to their proper Block-IDs. I think I will find the IDs somewhere into the Java Code of OC. But maybe it does not work. Perhaps the fill command only works with vanilla blocks. I've testes it. It works. For example this code sets an accessPoint at position 196 75 220: /setblock 196 75 220 opencomputers:accessPoint 1 replace For the vanilla blocks I've made already this hash (perl style): my %block_val2id = (0 => 'air', 1 => 'stone', 2
  16. I love the design. Thank you for sharing. I've written a converter script for RCON on the basis of the new fill command which is available in 1.8. There I have to work with the block IDs also stone for data value 0 or stained_hardened_clay for data value 159 e.g.. But no problem. I just mapped it via a table. However, I wonder to what block IDs I should map the following data values: 513, 533, 531, 4229 Do they come from a mod? Maybe OpenComputers?
  17. The kid have made more screenshots for me. It is a Mac OS 10.6.8 with the suspected Java 1.6.0_65. I was looking for other solutions but it's exactly as you say. Fortunately the Macbook is compatible to Mac OS version 10.75. So we need to update. Thank you for the quick help.
  18. I like to use OpenComputers on a server to teach my nephew. He is using an older Macbook. After installing Forge/OpenComputers he gets an error message: "You're using a broken Java version! Please update now, or remove OpenComputers. DO NOT REPORT THIS! UPDATE YOUR JAVA!" So, sorry for reporting this but I have a question. I am not on-site and I only have a screenshot but I think it is probably likely that the exception was thrown here: https://github.com/MightyPirates/OpenComputers/blob/OC1.5-MC1.8/src/main/scala/li/cil/oc/common/Proxy.scala Question: Do I see it right that
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