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Everything posted by Gangsir

  1. Door yes, chest no. The 3D printer is capable of printing basic blocks and shapes, and it's possible to have the block change shape when right clicked, so the door would be possible, but the chest wouldn't work, since prints can't have an inventory.
  2. Yeah, this is a pretty rare issue. Not being able to load Eris libraries doesn't usually happen without something not working correctly.
  3. Simple. Just require the library as usual, ex local lib = require("myLib") Then, use os.execute to run another program, and pass the library variable,(lib), to the executing script, like so: local lib = require("myLib") os.execute("otherprogram.lua lib") Of course, you will need to receive and reassign the variable in the executed program. Plus, this only works on the same computer, (ie, both programs on same computer), and the first program will suspend until the program inside os.execute yields. As a side note, why do this? Why not just put require in each of the programs?
  4. The mod only supports lua, unfortunately.
  5. I believe that plan9k (The alternative OS built into OC) is meant to be similar to a Unix-like system. That's really the closest thing to linux that OC has. Of course, re-making linux into a MC mod would require the conversion of C/assembly (The programming language most of the linux kernel is written in) into java so it can execute natively. (Or make ingame computers understand those languages, but then you're running an OS inside of an OS inside of a game inside of an OS. Yo Dawg) Plus you'd likely only be able to include a terminal anyway, as any sort of desktop environment (Even someth
  6. I dont think it's actually possible to do this in minecraft, as it would require a full blown virtualisation client built into minecraft. Even if it was something light like linux it would still lag.
  7. Not really, that's the official wiki. I do believe one can sign up to make edits, though.
  8. I myself use Atom, a text editor for linux. It also has ports for other operating systems. It has code completion, auto indent, and can interface with VCS like github. You will need to install a plugin for it to handle lua, however. The way I do it, and I recommend it be done, is to just keep one repository for all OC programs, then subdivide it into folders if a project has more that one file. Making individual repos for each program is inefficient unless the project is huge with many files. The way require works is that it looks at your system path on the computer for pl
  9. Do you have a wireless or wired network card installed in both computers? Ensure you do.
  10. !ereh Risgang I've written a simple program for transferring a medium sized text file (Less than about 8000 characters, roughly a small essay) over an OC network, wired or wirelessly. I've named it GFT, or "Gift", short for Gangsir File Transfer. This program is actually two small sub-programs, one for receiving and one for sending. To differentiate between them, the first argument changes the function of the program. Then, the second argument tells the file to operate on, for sending or receiving to. (To generate on receive.) Syntax is as follows: gft <send/receive> <"/path
  11. Take a look at the wiki entry for it here: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:hologram
  12. 1. Much of the info of apis is found on the wiki, plus after a while of doing it you'll likely find that you'll start to memorise what functions are available and their uses. As for testing, I realise that different people have different coding skills, and need to test more often, which after a while with lua I find myself doing less and less. However, it is much more efficient to use the wiki to write up a full rough draft of the program then just fix problems on the robot with the draft. Trust me, you'll find you can write stuff much faster and understand it better if you develop outside of
  13. The way it's meant to work is that one would dev the program on a proper computer with a good screen, or out of game, then transfer the program to the robot. The reason robots don't have fancy screens is that there's no need for them, since robot's guis aren't often entered.
  14. It's unable to move, since robots can't freely fly be default, unlike ComputerCraft's turtles. You need a tier 1 or 2 hover upgrade installed in the robot so it can move with no supporting blocks.
  15. If you need a robot to be able to float in the air, you need to install a hover upgrade in the robot, tier 1 or 2 depending on depth of the hole. I believe that the existing dig program provided on the loot floppy will resume where it left off if shut down, as long as it is started next to the chest.
  16. Initially, when I first came across lua, it was with ComputerCraft, with direwolf20, a youtuber. I thought the mod was extremely cool, and looked into tutorials online, and direwolf20's tutorials. This increased my interest, and I learned how lua worked. I had a huge amount of practice with Java beforehand, so I already knew the programming mindset. This helped me to pick up lua within a week, just looking at tutorials and the official site of lua's documentation. After a while with CC, I found OC, realised that it was a much better, useful and balanced mod, picked up OC's version of lua, whic
  17. Right, that would also work, but I wanted to do it myself, as a learning experience. Thanks for your help though.
  18. Thanks. I'll look into it. Edit: Implemented, speed is noticeably better on larger whitelists. Thanks for the suggestion, keep them coming!
  19. AND HIS NAME IS... GANG SINA! Gangsir here again, I've made a simple script that opens a door when a entity from a list moves near an attached motion detector. This acts as both a method of security and an easy way to automatically open a door. It outputs a redstone signal on the top of the computer/RedstoneIO block when a valid entity moves near it. Usage: proxdoor [-abli] <time to stay open> [Person1] [Person2]... Switches: -a : Accept all mode, door will open for any motion. Whitelist has no effect. Cannot use with -b -b : Blacklist mode, all provided names the door will ignore, ac
  20. The event returned from a screen touch has the players username as a returned value, unless it's been disabled in the config. Then, just replace %p with whatever variable you assigned it to when you pulled the event. From the wiki: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:signals#screen
  21. Someone by the internet handle of "giannoug" managed to use OC and the internet to control a lamp in his room with a lever ingame. The article: http://hashbang.gr/breaking-the-4th-wall-with-minecraft/ Just figured I'd share a cool use of OC.
  22. Keyboards themselves do not have a gui, they just allow you to open screens as a gui. They're useless without a screen near them. Also, they do act as components, this can be seen by running the components program that comes with OpenOS. Hologram projectors only allow edits via their component, which can only be used in a program. Unless I’m missing something, there's no way to input directly into HPs. Happy to help.
  23. Hey, hope you're having a wonderful day. Gangsir again, back with another one of my small but useful programs. I've written a small user-friendly program to manage modem ports. It has the ability to scan and list all open ports, then gives you the option of opening and closing some ports. A few arguments and switches can be specified, these control what the program does. Syntax: ports [-ns] <minSearch> <maxSearch> -n : No scan, skips scanning and goes right to opening and closing. -s : Silent mode, only scans, no questions asked. <minSearch> : The lower port to search from
  24. Probably the easiest way to do something like that would be to use a RAID block, it allows 3 drives to act as one filesystem. I don't think OC allows you to name multiple installed filesystems as the same thing.
  25. It's possible that this functionality was removed, since you're looking at the old wiki and I can't find anything about it on the new one, which is at: http://ocdoc.cil.li If you need to execute commands via computers, you could take a look at (and likely use) the debug card's component: http://ocdoc.cil.li/component:debug
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